Very Excellent Habits

How To Wear A Scarf If You’re Scared Of Wearing Scarves


carves are a weird accessory because they can be totally useful or totally useless and I think that’s where scarf newbies get confused. I took to scarf wearing like a duck to water (it’s the gypsy in me!) but I’ve watched many girlfriends of mine over the years be really weird about scarves. They’ll put them on, take them off, put them on, take them off and most hilariously pack ten different scarves for a weekend away and never even wear them. Most people seem to have a weird relationship with scarves so if you need a little help embracing this killer accessory, here’s how to wear a scarf if you’re scared of wearing scarves…

On Your Head

If I’m a having a bad hair day or if I’m anywhere north of Sydney (humidity), I’ll tie a scarf around my head turban style. I get compliments every single time I do this, usually followed by ‘I wish I could wear scarves like that!‘. Can I tell you the secret to wearing scarves like this? Owning it. I don’t have a perfect scarf face or head like some people claim, I just wear the damn scarf and I don’t give a fuck. It has nothing to with anything except wrapping your head in a ginormous scarf and carrying yourself like a god damn queen. If you mince around and feel uncomfortable in it, no one is going to think you look fierce. I started wearing scarves in my hair when I was teenager because there was literally no other option to keep my hair out of my eyes (seriously I had Diana Ross hair back then) and I got teased mercilessly about wearing scarves because apparently I looked Amish or like I worked on a farm. I have a few mates who still tease me about being being a pirate whenever I wear one. Do I care? No. Do I look awesome? Yes. It’s a no brainer. (P.S Mr Smaggle thinks I look SUPER hot in head scarves so that’s a winner as well.)

Around your shoulders

In summer, I will never be seen without a scarf over my shoulders. I’m so paranoid about the sun and it’s the perfect way to cover up without looking like you’re wearing a surf rash vest in public. I like to tuck one end into my top or bra strap for security and then wrap the other end over me to keep it in place. One of my girlfriends once told me she feels ‘contrived’ wearing scarves as wraps. Things are only contrived if you contrive them. Just swan around like a glam boho gypsy and wearing scarves will look like the most natural thing in the world on you. Promise.

On your bag

If I’m a having an at risk hair day (where my hair looks okay but I have a feeling it’s going to the lose plot soon) I’ll just tie a scarf to my bag so I have it there just in case I need it. It’s another great way to brighten up an outfit and add a little bit of something interesting to your look. Plus you have a back up plan if your hair decides to shit itself half way through the day.

Around your neck

Scarves don’t always have to have to be functional, they can simply just be gorgeous. If my outfit is looking a little bit plain, I’ll throw a light scarf around my neck and it gives the outfit a complete pick me up. I once went into a shop in the tiny country town where I was born and the lady who ran the shop said she could tell I wasn’t from around there because I dressed so fancy. I was literally wearing jeans, a plain black top and a scarf. It was the scarf that did it.

Are you a scarf wearer? Do you struggle to get scarves right?

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