Very Excellent Habits

How To Set Goals

stress, dealing with stress

girl in a striped vest on the shore


oal setting is a relative trendy concept at the moment and it’s something a lot of people struggle with. Goal setting is quite easy – it’s really nice to sit down with a piece of paper and map out some goals but if there’s no thought of how to actually achieve those goals, it’s all a waste of time really. This week on Straight and Curly, Kelly and I talk about goals – how to set them, how to achieve them and how to let go of them if they’re just not working for you.

We also discussed the SMART concept of goal setting. Here’s a quick cheat sheet so you know if your goal is going to work for you.

S – Specific

Your goal must be specific. ‘Give up drinking’ isn’t a helpful goal. ‘Go alcohol free for 30 days.’ is a much more helpful goal.

M – Measurable

Make sure you can track your results. If your goal is to lose weight, make sure you take measurements before you start and track your progress.

A – Achievable

‘Write my novel by Christmas.’ – probably not achievable if you have a life, job and family. Give yourself a chance to achieve your goals by making them actually achievable.

R – Realistic

‘Make a million dollars next month.’ – not realistic for most people. ‘Increase income by $1000 next month.’ – doable.

T – Time-based

If you don’t give yourself a time limit, you’ll take all the time in the world. Always give your goals a deadline.

You can listen to this week’s episode here – and don’t forget to join the Facebook group. It’s just one of my most favourite places on the internet.

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How do you set goals? Any tips on actually achieving your goals?


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P.S If you’re looking to plan some hobby time why not try crochet? The next pattern launch is next week and the pricing is getting all switched up so if you’ve been sitting on the decision to join – join now!

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