Very Excellent Habits

How to hide that Easter Jiggle…

If you’re anything like me then the chocolate consumption at Easter time will always start well before the marked day. For almost a week leading up to the main choc-exchange there are a few warm up nibbles and slowly but surely you start replacing balanced meals with Cadbury Creme Eggs and Mallow Bunnies. This means one thing and one thing only. Jiggly belly town. It’s pretty much a given that on Easter (and Christmas and birthdays…and Sundays) that you will stuff yourself so full of sugar and fat that you can’t button any of your pants and you feel like your head is going to explode into a cavalcade of chocolate coated brain crumbs. Every year I promise myself that I won’t do it but every year the little golden Lindt bunnies come bounding my way and seduce me into my annual dark choc-coma. And then I get a big chocolate high (much like a child) and then I crash and burn with a chocolate headache (much like a child) and swear never to eat chocolate again. Well ladies I am here to rescue you from your sickly sweet purgery of over indulgence. Here are a few tips to keep you feeling and looking great over the weekend of gluttony. That is until it’s time to stop eating chocolate and start eating normal food. Like fruit. And eggs that aren’t filled with milky goodness and wrapped in tantalizing sparkle…

* Ditch your jeans. Every one feels fat and gross around Easter so don’t add insult to your injury by trying to squeeze into your skinnies.

* Embrace the baby doll. I know I was quite recently bitching and moaning about the pregnancy-esque baby doll but I have finally found a purpose for our unflattering little friends. Baby doll tops and dresses are perfect for hiding your chocolate bloat, showing off your arms and legs (areas that the chocolate won’t hit for a while) and for allowing you maximum comfort so you can continue on your cram-fest with out interruption.

* Exercise. We all over do it at Easter. And we all feel gross as a consequence. So get up of your behind and go for a god damn walk. And drink lots of water. None of this will erase the 4 million calories and the 5 zillion grams of fat you just consumed. But it will make you feel so much better and it will set you up to get back on the feel good pony.

* Eat some salad. It will neutralise that formaldehyde feeling in your gut. There is nothing like a little greeness to help you through the process of pickling your insides with chemically enhanced confectionery.

Have a spectacular Easter weekend my little jiggly jubblingtons! See you all on Monday with lots of weekend goss…

Love Lady Smaggle


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