Very Excellent Habits

How To Get Dressed When You’re Feeling A Bit Cranky

The other day I woke up and I was just cranky for no real reason. I tripped over my shoes on the way to the bathroom, and when I got to the bathroom, there wasn’t any toilet paper. Using a very expensive facial cleansing wipe instead, I grumbled to myself about how tired I felt.

When I got back from the gym and had my shower, the thought of having to get dressed pissed me off.

‘Like, why do have to choose clothes AGAIN? When will this never-ending cycle of clothing decisions cease?’

To be fair, I honestly don’t get cranky very often, but when I do, I do it very well.


Jeans from Jeans West

Top from Cos

Shoes from Funkis

Here are a few tips on getting dressed when you really just want to punch a wall instead.

1. Remove any potential for further cranky-ness

Don’t wear uncomfortable shoes, uncomfortable underwear or clothes that you need to pull at all day to get them to sit right. If I’m in a grumpy mood, I often wear my hair up too. My hair is extremely unpredictable and if it decides to have a lanky, flat day, I will be so angry, so I just pre-empt that anger with tying it right back from the get-go. Maybe skip complicated make-up too. Uneven eye-liner rage will not be your friend today.

2. Wear something you feel terrific in

I work from home, so people rarely see me, but if I’m having a flat day, I wear an outfit love that I feel brilliant in, and I wear proper shoes around the house. It just makes me feel like I’m ‘at work’ and keeps me focused on days when I could very easily just curl up on the couch. I like wearing these shoes at home because they make a fabulous clacky sound on our polished concrete floors. Makes me feel like a bad-ass businesswoman. ‘GET ME THIS MONTH’S REPORTS!’ *clack-clack*. ‘I SAID SKIM MILK LATTE!’ *clack-clack*. YOU’RE FIRED!’ *clack-clack*. 

3. Wear something you can find

Sometimes when I’m PMS-ing I decide I want to wear a particular dress and then I’ll crash around the house like a total unco trying to find it. This is not helpful as it makes me even more grumpy AND it doesn’t help much to look for things when you’re almost blind with rage. Just wear a thing that you can see hanging in your cupboard. The best thing you can see hanging in your cupboard. Do it quickly and get out the door.

4. Wear something that’s clean

If it’s in the dirty washing basket, leave it there. If it wasn’t visibly dirty when you put it in there, it’s now smelly and wrinkled from hanging out with all your other gross clothes. Don’t do it. It’s not worth it. You’ll smell like old teatowels and sweat all day.

5. Wear something that fits

If you’re already cranky, don’t be squeezing yourself into jeans that only seem to fit you for a few days each year, usually after you’ve had a bout of gastro. Pick something you know zips up easily, even if you’ve put on a few kilos.

This outfit was worn for a big day of filming videos for Crochet Coach. I’m working on a massive stitch library, which is going to be the greatest resource for my Crochettes. I can’t wait to launch it but in the meantime, there’s lots of filming, writing stitch descriptions and mapping out crochet diagrams for them. Wish me luck!

I’m also in a spot of bother at the moment over my nail polish. I know that sounds so Sweet Valley High of me (speaking of which, we’re back in case you didn’t notice. iTunes are rubbish at updating shows so here’s your friendly reminder). I wear the nail polish all the time (the turquoise Smaggle coloured one in all my photos) and my regular supplier of this shade as stopped selling it. So I ordered some on eBay and it’s taking AGES to get here and my current bottle is really on its last legs. Send all your good thoughts to get my nail polish here this week otherwise all my new videos will have lumpy bumpy polish on my nails and that will make me sad. I can’t pour anymore nail polish remover in it either… it’s really starting to not like that.

What’s your favourite for when you’re cranky and you just couldn’t be bothered?

P.S Also you should totally sign up for my newsletter. It’s full of cool stuff.
P.P.S Don’t forget Crochet Coach has a free trial offer period at the moment so make sure you sign up!

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