Very Excellent Habits

How To Dress Like Jess From The New Girl

Beautiful young woman with pink hair in vintage clothing outdoor


ometimes when I get dressed in the morning I check my myself in the mirror and I’m like ‘Dude. What up Jess Day???’. I think it’s because I have this weird fringe that appeared from nowhere from my choppy hair do and sometimes I wear glasses if my eyes start wigging out from too much computer time.

It pleases me to channel Ms Day because I freaking love that show and Zooey Deschanel is a little rays of sunshine who makes the world a better place. Here’s my unintentional tribute to the New Girl from last week.

Wearing Boom Shankar dress, Country Road cardigan and Merrell ballet flats (plus tights and a lot of layers when I left the house!)

I nutted out exactly how to dress like Jess from The New Girl and here are the main points you need to consider…

Image via Stilettos and Tequila 

Buy all the cardigans

Seriously, it’s ALL about the cardigans. If an adorable librarian would wear it, so would Jess.

Go nuts on the ballet flats

Jess very rarely wears high heels and she always looks cute as a button. To get the Jess look, go hard on the ballet flats.

Always wear dresses

I wear jeans almost never, same as Jess, so obviously we should be best friends forever. Jess generally wears dresses in a 50s style with an A-line cut that end just above her knees. Paired with a cardigan and pair of bad-ass flats you’ll look good enough to eat.

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Do you watch The New Girl? Are you a bit of a Zooey Deschanel fan?


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P.S If you want more awesome tips on how to rock at life sign up to the Smaggle newsletter or like Smags on Facebook. I don’t want to you getting all FOMO on me…

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