Very Excellent Habits

How To Create A Totally Epic Cheese Board


This post is brought to you by Woolworths

hen I was a kid my mum used to make a dinner that she called a ‘mouse plate’. It was basically little bites of yummy food served to me on my own plate. A mini individual cheese board, if you will. There might be a chicken wing, some cut up carrots, cheese, a few dips, a boiled egg and maybe some crackers. I freaking loved this type of dinner because it was a novelty – I had my own serve of dip and crackers and I didn’t have to fight my dad and my brother to get my fair share. The dip was probably the most important part. I love dips and sauces in an unholy way. My brother in law calls me the saucy minx because I won’t eat anything without sauce. This is why when Woolies was all ‘Hey Carly can you do an article about the Created  With Jamie veggie dips range???’ I was like ‘Hell yes. Saucy minx at your service. Gonna make me a bad ass fancy pants mouse plate.’

However, as an adult I now realise that ‘mouse plates’ aren’t actually very fancy at all and were usually served up when my mum couldn’t be arsed going to the shops. Totally fair enough. One of the worst things about being a grown up is trying to make different types of food happen every night. It’s just such a burden to me every day. This is why when we had mates over on the weekend, we made an epic cheese plate instead of a proper dinner.

We take the creation of cheese boards very seriously in the Smaggle haus. We have three rules.

1. You must have good ratios

You need have a good cracker to stuff ratio. You don’t want too much stuff or too many crackers. You also need a good dry to wet stuff ratio. You need cheese AND dips. We bought the Created with Jamie Veggie Dips for this cheese board. There are four flavours – Gorgeous Green Garden Pea & Quinoa Dip (it’s like a minty little salad on a cracker), Dippin Sweat Roasted Vegetable Dip (goes beautifully with a chunk of blue cheese), Beautiful Beetroot Tahini and Pomegranate Dip (this one is sweet but super healthy tasting), Poppin Chipotle Red Pepper & Quinoa Dip (this one is chunky and grainy) – and all of them are bloody delicious. I’m actually quite stoked about these dips because they’re super healthy. I love having naughty treats every now and then but cheese boards and snacks like these can be a total calorie suck. Some dips are so high in calories and fat, you’ve eaten an hours worth of running on the treadmill on one cracker (slight exaggeration but you get my meaning). My favourite is the beetroot one because it’s a bit sweet but they’re all delicious. They’d be perfect for a healthy mid-week dinner or a cheeky afternoon of wine drinking  with with some friends… helps you save a few calories so you can have an extra glass of save blanc!

2. You must include roughage of some description

I love cheese but you really need to eat it with caution and mix it up with some healthy vegetables. It’s always a bit more effort but cutting up some veggie sticks makes the biggest difference to a cheese board and prolongs the time it takes you to slip into a potent cheese coma. Never forget your safety vegetables. Tip: The Jamie dips totally count as veggies – check the ingredients, they’re basically blended salad.

3. You must have a good mix of sweet and savoury items  

Always make fruit a thing on a cheese plate. Dried apricots, quince paste (probably the best invention ever right?) and some fresh grapes. It’s palette cleansing and delicious. Also cheese and fruit make excellent besties.

Here’s the cheese board we made on the weekend… I really wish I could re-eat this.

We were in the biggest food coma after eating all this… it was actually excellent.

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What are your cheese board essentials? Also are you a hard cheese or soft cheese person?

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P.P.S We’ve only got a few tickets for Little Blog Big left…

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