Very Excellent Habits

How To Beat The Sunday Night Blues

I don’t know of too many people who love Sundays. Personally, I love the idea of Sundays but I tend to spend most of the day panicking that it’s disappearing too quickly. Sunday night blues aren’t exclusive to people who hate their jobs. I love the work that I do but let’s face it. Brunch, walks, TV marathons, beers at the pub and movies are preferable to pretty much any kind of work so Mondays are quite universally repellant. On that note, here are a few tips to help you beat the Sunday Night Blues.

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Get an early night

I know it’s easier said than done but starting the week on a good sleeping schedule will make the world of difference to your well-being and productivity. I’ve written about maintaining good sleeping schedules and how to fall asleep on the blog in the past, so make sure you have a quick read of those articles if you struggle with getting enough shut-eye.

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Avoid alcohol

This kind of goes without saying but then again, does it? I LOVE a cheeky Sunday arvo bevvy but it’s generally just a really bad life choice. I’m mid-Dry July and I can honestly say that I always feel FANTASTIC when I don’t have any alcohol in my system. So best ditch the bevvys if you want to have a happy Sunday.

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Bake something delicious

It’s keeps you busy, makes your house smell fantastic and you get to take a treat to work for everyone on Monday. Major win.

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Lay out a gorgeous outfit to wear the next day

There’s nothing that will improve your mood on a Monday morning than looking gorgeous, so pick an outfit that you feel amazing in and lay it out all ready to slip into in the morning.

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Move your body

Go for a walk, clean your house, do a sneaky gym session or a little bit of lounge room yoga. Being too sedentary on a Sunday can be really detrimental to your mood so make sure you get that butt moving, even just a little bit.

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Go social media free

Seriously turn off your phone. It makes such a massive difference to your head space and you won’t miss anything expect angry tweets about Sunday Night.

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Have a bath

Take 20 minutes and have a soak in the tub. Baths are so good for your body and soul, both of which need lots of pampering on a Sunday night.

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Read a book

Turn off all screens and bury your head in a book. It’s such a wonderful way to distract yourself and clear your head for the coming week.

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Pack yourself a yummy lunch for Monday

Any kind of positive activity you can plan for Monday will help, even if it’s as simple as making your favourite sandwich or  popping a little chocolate treat in your lunch box. Here are some great ideas for lunch boxes for adults and also some make ahead meals that you can throw together on a Sunday night.

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Plan something super fun for Monday

Make a dinner date with some friends for Monday night so you have something to look forward too. It’s the ultimate way to put a positive spin on a dreaded Monday.

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Avoid doing work

I’m a freelancer so I know how tempting it can be to just finish up a few projects but you must resist. You’ll be so much clearer the next day after a proper sleep, rather than going to bed at 2am all bleary eyed and setting yourself up for a week of exhaustion.

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Watch a fantastic movie

Don’t waste your evening dicking around on Facebook or watching crappy television. Watch a movie that you really want to watch, remove all distractions and just enjoy it.

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Plan a pleasant outing for the evening

Why not go out to a lovely restaurant? Make Sunday evening your dedicated date night for the week?

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Write a to-do list for Monday

Although I’m very opposed to working on a Sunday, I think planning on a Sunday is very healthy. Writing shopping lists, to-lists and menu plans can make you feel very accomplished and ready to start the week.

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Do a good deed

Have you considered volunteering on Sundays? A mate of mine walks dogs at the RSPCA every Sunday and it is dead-set her favourite thing to do and she looks forward to it all week. There’s no better way to feel good than to make other people feel good.

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Have a positive attitude

Simply be positive. If you have a bad attitude and you’re cranky about your weekend being over, of course you’re going to feel like shit. Just smile, think how lucky you are that you just had a lovely weekend and that you get to start a new and wonderful week tomorrow!

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Do you get the Sunday night blues? How do you combat them?

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