Very Excellent Habits

How to beat the Sunday blues.


Sundays have an unsubstantiated good reputation. I spend all week looking forward to Sunday and when it arrives it’s usually a giant melancholic disappointment. Working is difficult because I feel I should be taking advantage of a rare day off but resting has never really been my forte. There’s also that pressure to use your free time wisely because Monday morning is looming in the not too distant future. Here are a few suggestions to get you through those jittery, restless Sundays.

Do a one hour clean

Set a timer for one hour and clean as much as you can in that time. When you are feeling a little low, a tidy house is a nice little cheer injection.

Make yourself a beautiful lunch

Free yourself from the shackles of your Tupperware contained weekday lunches and make something special for Sunday afternoon. Maybe a big sandwich? Or a gourmet pizza?

Go for a walk

Get out of the house, grab your iPod, get a coffee and pound the pavement.

Read a book

In bed. Go on, I dare you.

See other people

Sunday should be a day for socialising. Meet a friend for a gelato or go shopping. Bake some scones and go visiting in the afternoon. Misery thrives on loneliness so make sure you keep it distracted with the company of lovely friends.

Clean your room

Top to bottom. Dust, vacuum, organise your cupboards and put fresh sheets on your bed. You will sleep like an angel and the week ahead will be delightful in your beautiful boudoir.

Try to spend your day in the real world

Stay away from blogs, social networking sites and internet shopping haunts on Sunday. It’s really depressing to realise you’ve just spent 2 hours aimlessly stalking people on Facebook. It’s okay to waste time on Sunday but waste time reading ancient fashion magazines, or painting your nails. Not watching smoking babies on Youtube.

Happy Sunday! Let me know how it goes… I’m off to clean the kitchen!

Love Carly


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