Very Excellent Habits

How Is Your November Going?

group of friends meeting in the city center. they are having fun with smart phones and walking together


oday I’m taking stock of November Pip from Meet Me At Mike’s does this every month and it’s such a lovely way to stop and have a think about where you’re at, where you’re going and how you’re feeling about the whole she-bang. Here’s my month… don’t forget to add yours in the comments.

Making : A very small and very complicated crochet toy lamb. It’s adorable but it’s doing my head in. The crochet hook I’m using is 2mm. *goes cross eyed*

Cooking : Poached eggs on toast with avocado. I’m very, very busy right now and this is my favourite staple busy dinner.

Drinking : Green tea! It’s my new thing. I make a Thermos of it and have it sitting on my desk while I work. That way I always have something lovely and warm to drink.


Reading: Crochet diagrams. I did a course to learn how to read them and I’m hooked. Written instructions suck. Diagrams forever.

Wanting: A holiday… November will do that to you.

Looking: A bit peaky at the moment to be honest. Lack of sleep makes my skin go a bit mank.

Playing: Oh this one made me sad… I’m not playing very much at all at the moment. Although this weekend I’m in a wedding for two of my best mates. That will be very good fun!

Deciding: How many crocheted Christmas presents to make…?

Wishing: My accountant would explain everything to me like I’m a five year old. Seriously. I’m the most confused business type working person in the world right now.

Enjoying: My nail wraps experiment – I started testing all these different types of nail wraps (mainly to prove that Jamberry wraps might not be all they’re cracked up to be) and I’ve been loving them! I still haven’t tried Jams yet but I’m definitely back on the nail wrap train.

Waiting: For my fricking yarn to arrive that I ordered 2 months ago. Major grumble.

Liking: Being busy. I’m tired and I’d like a break but I’d rather be working too much than not have enough work on.

Loving: My little life with Mr Smags. We’re actually like two little piglets living happily in mud.

Pondering: Why there isn’t an equivalent word for ‘lesbian’ for men. It just occurred to me that only women have a gender specific (non-slang) word for being homosexual. That strikes me as a touch odd.

Considering: Plans for next year. I’m aiming for epic.

Buying: Way too much stuff on Etsy… and all my Christmas presents… and lots of blueberries because they’re cheap and delicious right now.

Watching: The new season of Peep-Show! I’ve been waiting actual years for this.

Cringing: At casual racism. I’ve witnessed so much of it this week. *shakes head*

Needing: Nude flats for summer.

Questioning: Why the Kardashians are famous. I’m not anti-Kardashian I just don’t know what their jobs are… it’s very confusing.

Smelling: The delicious Vietnamese takeaway next door… consider ditching my lunch for rice paper rolls instead.

Wearing: Jeans and a big old cardigan because Canberra went and got freaking freezing on me.

Following: Socality Barbie. So funny.

Noticing: How much I thrive in an office environment. Even though I work for myself, I work much more efficiently when I’m around other people.

Thinking: About when I get my next sleep in… hopefully next Sunday?

Admiring: My blogging buddies. They’re all very smart, very excellent and very generous people.

Sorting: Everything! I’ve been doing a drawer every couple of days… I’m up to the bathroom next.

Getting: My shit together for the wedding this week. Just putting the final touches on my speech.

Bookmarking: Crochet patterns. I’ve got enough folders of projects to last me three life times.

Coveting: The Hermes double wrap Apple Watch band. Swoon.

Disliking: My food processor being broken. It’s just such a pain to get shit fixed plus I’m just way too lazy.

Giggling: At the gym with my bestie. She’s getting married in January we’ve been hitting the gym hard. It’s been my saving grace these last few busy months.

Feeling: Good. Tired… but good.

Snacking: I’ve actually been cutting back on my snacking but I’m just about to get a natural yogurt for my morning tea. It’s a signature staple.

Hearing: Podcasts. All. The. Time. Seriously addictive.

Here’s the list for you to do your own –

Making :
Cooking :
Drinking :

You can complete the list in the comments or on your own blog if you like – just make sure you link back to Pip!

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How’s your November going? Swell? Or is there room for improvement?


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P.S Don’t forget to follow Smaggle on Facebook and sign up for the Smaggle weekly newsletter so you don’t get all FOMO about missing out on awesome life hacks.

P.P.S We’ve only got a few tickets for Little Blog Big left…

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