Very Excellent Habits

Heart Sunglasses


1. <a href=””>Sunnydays.</a>, 2. <a href=””>sketchn shoot</a>, 3. <a href=””>ashleyhearts sunglasses</a>, 4. <a href=””>Day111:  Strange fascination, fascinating me.</a>, 5. <a href=””>strawberryfields – detail</a>, 6. <a href=””>newsunglasses</a>, 7. <a href=””>Hearts</a>, 8. <a href=””>Untitled</a>, 9. <a href=””>Two Eye Hearts.</a>

Meet my latest obsession. I am cruising through Ebay at regular intervals trying to find the perfect Lolita pair – red rims with dark lenses. Preferably mirrored so that the greying middle aged man trying to seduce me can be seen elusively through the lenses. I will also be requiring a red heart shaped lolly pop. Surprisingly the latter is proving harder to find. I have always been a purist when it comes to my accessories and I prefer more elite materials than most but recently I have developed a strange obsession with plastic. I just bought three massive clear plastic bangles that I am adoring. And I can’t wait to wear them with my perfect Lolita sunglasses as soon as I win them on Ebay…

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