Very Excellent Habits

9 Things That Will Make You Do A Little Happy Dance

happy dance

I sprinkled my perfectly measured teaspoon of brown sugar over my Tupperware container of hot porridge and carried it to my desk. It was 7.30am – my favourite time of day. It was 2007 and I was working in an office at a university. I’d go straight to work after my morning gym session, shower there and have an hour to myself before everyone else showed up.

I’d use this time to catch up on the blogs I followed. One I followed was Susie Bubble and she had a mild obsession with Diana Vreeland. I’d never heard of her but she was the editor of Harper’s Bazaar for years back in the 50s and 60s. When I found out about her, I started ordering books about her off Amazon and trawling the internet for any information I could gather about her.

My favourite thing was this column she had called Why Don’t You? where she write out lovely, whimsical little lists for the readers of the magazine. Back when I first started Smaggle, I’d write my own version of a Why Don’t You? list at least once a week. They fell out of my regular rotation eventually but every now and then I like to pop one together for those of you that like sweet, little, inconsequential lists that brighten your day.

Why don’t you…?

1. Have a Dessert Only Dinner Party? Where every guest brings a sweet treat? No entrees or mains? Just cakes and pies?

2. Drink a full litre of water when you first get up in the morning? With a squeeze of lemon? Start your day feeling energised and refreshed?

3. Paint all your nails an inky black? Make just your pinkies snowy white?

4. Take a dance break? Blast your favourite song from the stereo? Dance like a maniac until the song finishes?

5. Keep a roll of pink musk sweets in your handbag? Pop one in your mouth whenever you need a little pick me up?

6. Have a celebrity movie marathon? Kate Winslet? Bruce Willis? Merril Streep?

7. Buy a vintage typewriter? Tap out thank you notes the old-fashioned way?

8. Decorate your home with nature-inspired trinkets? Bundles of dried twigs bound with string? Seashells? Faux birds nests?

9. Borrow your wardrobe from a man friend? Chunky oversized wool knit jumper? Perfectly baggy boyfriend jeans?

What kind of things make you do a little happy dance? Wine? Dancing? Chubby baby thighs?

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