Very Excellent Habits

Hair Dilemma

Being the disgruntled owner of the the Smaggle Crop is starting to wear thin. When I was sixteen it was a veritable mess of frizzy curl and pen lids were known to disappear into there for days. My pet budgie experienced a few tense moments in fro as well. As I am getting older the curls are softening and and the underneath is turning straight and it’s annoying the crap out me. My lovely new hairdresser Johnny worked wonders with it last time I got it cut so I returned for a colour job yesterday. I asked for something crazy and wild. He enthusiastically replied that he was going to do big chunks of black, red and gold all through it and it would look marvelous with my complexion. 2 1/2 hours and $150 later I look like this…

Exactly the same as I looked yesterday. Excellent. I am obviously not happy but what do to do in such a situation? He is a fabulous cutter who is booked to the max all the time and he is lovely. He also cuts the hair of Mr Smaggle and his mother! So naturally cutting ties (so to speak) would be difficult but I want to keep him anyway because he is awesome at cutting. I have decided I have to do one of three things…

* I can call and complain and have him do what I asked. This option makes me look like a whingey bitch but at least I get what I paid for. This also makes future hair cuts quite awkward. And possibly non-existant.

* I can wait until my appointment in December and complain then. This is the pussy option but at least he won’t get offended. And a retrospective complaint will be much nicer than the one he would he get if I spoke to him today.

* I can get someone else to colour it in the meantime and then go to him for cuts only and let the colour of my hair tell the story of disappointment.  

Suggestions? Like how to get over the fact that I just set fire to $150? Oh and that’s $150 WITH NO CUT. Scissors did not touch my hair. Angry face.

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