Very Excellent Habits

Top 5 Weekend Habits of Super Productive People

Productive people can be a bit elusive can’t they? It seems like they have about a eleventy billion more hours in the day than everyone else. I’m a pretty productive person but even I have mates who manage to achieve Elon Musk levels of productive behaviour every weekend and I’m left wondering how the hell they manage to fit it all in. It can be so tempting to just take up residence on your couch every weekend but if you want to get ahead and keep your life sorted, here are the 5 weekend habits of super productive people. You should totally copy them.

They get up early

I admit I’m pretty rubbish at this but that’s because I’m a bit of a night owl but I’m slowly changing my ways. I recently spent a few days with a close friend of mine and her family for her wedding weekend and they are the earliest risers I’ve ever met. I’m talking 5.30am, every day. I naturally fell into their sleep patterns and I cannot tell you how much more productive my weekends are now. 9am didn’t feel that late to sleep in on the weekend until I started getting up 7am. That’s 2 whole extra hours. It’s brilliant. Try your hardest to drag yourself out of bed a bit earlier on the weekends and get some washing/shopping/cleaning done. You’ll feel amazing, I promise.

They make time for the things they love

Productive people know how counter productive it is to totally work themselves ragged all weekend so they take the time to do the things they love. This is also an excellent way to get your butt out of bed in the morning. If you’ve put aside a time bracket from 7am to 10am to read your book, do some craft or watch some Netflix, you’ll be leaping out of bed in the morning.

They prepare for the upcoming week

My weekends are sacred and I try really hard to not engage in any activities I hate in my special time but if I didn’t do a little bit of preparation on the weekend, I would suck during the week. Each weekend I make sure to cook one freezer meal, book in my gym classes and do all my washing. It’s a pain but I pop on a podcast or a TV show and I can get it done in a couple of hours. Wednesday Carly loves Sunday Carly when she’s tearing around the house trying to find food/clean gym clothes before pump class.

They take breaks from technology

Productive people know that spending all weekend stuffing around on their phone on Facebook is one of the least productive ways to spend their weekend. Productive people would much rather spend 20 minutes catching up for coffee with a friend or watching an episode of their favourite sitcom than aimlessly clicking around on Facebook and Instagram.

They recharge

Productive people are perfectly happy to spend Saturday night at home. The temptation is always there to go out and party and really make use of your Saturday night (which is totally fine to do every now and then!) but a Saturday night spent at home, being quiet and still is one of the best ways to re-charge yourself for a productive week ahead.

How do you spend your weekends? Do you totally relax? Or do you go full productivity ninja?

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