Very Excellent Habits

How to Get Your Groove Back After the Easter Long Weekend.

There really is nothing quite like a four day weekend to really knock the wind out of you is there? I’m completely abnormal and seem to end up even more exhausted after my time off than before. Too much sleep and stillness I think. With this weekend in particular I don’t even have a decent hangover to blame for my tiredness. I think I’m just getting old. I imagine I’m not the only one feeling this way. Here’s a few survival tips to get you back on track after your sinful Zombie Jesus Holiday.

Stop. Eating. Chocolate.

Chocolate day is Sunday but if you’re normal you’ve probably been eating Easter chocolate since at least last Monday. Now is the time to stop. Drop the bunny. DROP. IT. Just because it’s there does not mean you need to eat it. Give it away. Take it to work. Ration it. Lock it in a box for six months. Give your brain a sugar break and your body a chance to return to its normal insulin levels.

Eat some green things.

Like salad and vegetables. Make sure you include vegetables for every lunch and dinner meal this week. It’s easy to live off Cadbury Creme Eggs and pizza on the Easter long weekend, but that ship has sailed my friend. Get some spinach into you. Brocolli. Your insides will thank you for it I swear.


Put on your sneakers every single day this week please. Even if it’s just to walk to the shops and buy a coffee. Try to break a sweat. Get all the toxins out of your body. Use this week to get back into good habits.


Try not to eat out at all this week. Cook good nourishing food at home and pack your lunch for work. Pick fresh produce and plan your meals around what looks amazing at the markets this week. Avoid packages. I think we’ve all had enough of foil wrapped food this weekend right?

Drink cleansing drinks.

I’ve been on a hangover avoidance bender in 2012, currently boasting a flawless record, except for that hideous Kidspot Top 50 blogger launch. On Easter Monday I went to a BBQ with friends and thought that a four pack of fancy diet soft drink would keep me satiated and sober while socialising. It was a temporary solution and I ended up with a disgusting chemical headache that still hasn’t left me. I’ve had a combo of green smoothies and herbal tea today and I’m feeling far less toxic. Avoid alcohol and artificially sweetened or sugary drinks this week. Stick to water and herbal tea for a few days.

If you have any other Easter survival tips I’d love to hear them! Comment here or on Facebook or Twitter.

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