Very Excellent Habits

9 Totally Gorgeous Things You Need To Buy Immediately


just love doing Etsy round-ups because it makes me feel like I’m doing work when really I’m just dicking around on the internet. It’s a win/win situation though because you guys get to discover awesome things and I get to trawl through Etsy pretending like it’s a productive activity. Here are a few things I’ve been eyeing off this week – must keep the credit card in my wallet though as I’m off to Milan in a few weeks! Eep!

1. Geometric necklace from Booandboofactory


2. White ceramic earrings from Oeiceramics


3. Leather clutch bag from Tovisorgaboutique


4. Caffeine molecule necklace from sciencestuff


5. French fry leggings from personalise


6. Miniature plant from SDK miniatures


7. DIY Felt Ball Garland kit from creativetuesday


8. Macrame wall hanging from cleopatrajmacrame


9. Pink fan earrings from toucanbleu


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What’s your favourite Etsy shop right now? Or more importantly what’s on your wish list?


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P.S Also you should totally sign up for my newsletter. It’s full of cool stuff.

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