Very Excellent Habits

Gluten Free Crumpets… from a packet mix.

For those of you who don’t know, my man is a glutard. The poor little lamb also has a rather torturous obsession with baked goods, most of which are made from delicious and poisonous wheat. I’m pretty handy in the kitchen and can whip up some mean GF cookies and cakes but things like crumpets and pies are a little beyond my scope. Recipes for these exist but they usually require the grinding of seeds into baking flours and the addition of weird sounding ingredients like ‘xanthax gum’ or ‘sorgum’. I’m not an adventurous chef at all and the second I read a word I don’t know in a recipe, I’m done. I ain’t cooking it.

Anyway, the mister has discovered that Macro Foods has released a new line of gluten-free packet mixes. He’s still a little too excited to talk sensibly about it. He stumbled up to me in the supermarket yesterday, clutching his sad little box of crumpet mix and just stared at me, all bugged eyed at the concept of being able to eat a crumpet. I quickly scanned the box for veto worthy instructions like ‘leave covered with a tea towel for eight hours‘ or any step that requires the use of electric beaters.

The instructions were super easy, it only required one bowl (and a sneaky jug) and the whole project only took about twenty minutes. 

They aren’t too shabby*. They taste almost exactly like real crumpets. They are just half the size which for some strange reason is rather typical of gluten-free foods.

We also tried out the donut mix a few nights ago but they didn’t last long enough to photograph. They were pretty extraordinary. My man keeps hinting at me to make them again. And by ‘hinting’ I mean sending me several text messages a day saying ‘DOOOOONUUUUUUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!’

I’ll be sure to share the donut experience with you next time.

Have you tried any gluten-free packet mixes? What did you think?

Feel free to share on twitter and facebook too.

* The mister felt the need to correct me on that statement. He would like the record to show that they are ‘fucking amazing’.


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