Very Excellent Habits

How To Make Gluten Free Chicken Nuggets

This post is sponsored by Woolworths. 

I’m a total child when it comes to food. If you take me to a fancy restaurant, it’s highly unlikely that I’ll appreciate a $42 plate of thinly sliced Himalayan mountain goat meat with golden berry ju and some kind of pretentious pepper flavoured foam. If I’m having a treat meal, a handful of crispy pub chips with a decent burger would be my pick. We don’t eat in pubs very often because we end up ordering expensive and unsatisfying salads while everyone around us is chowing down on delicious shnittys and crumbed sea food platters. I’m also a delicate little flower and I can’t handle too much deep-fried stuff, so I like to recreate my favourite foods at home, making them gluten-free and less fatty so I’m not up half the night having major gall bladder attacks.

Here’s my recipe for Light Gluten Free Chicken Nuggets. I made mine with Macro Lemon and Herb crumb coating but you can easily make them original flavoured by taking out the herb crumbs and replacing them with plain gluten-free crumbs.

Gluten Free Chicken Nuggets

Serves 4

What you need…

600gms chicken breast

1/2 cup Macro gluten-free plain flour

2 eggs, lightly whisked

1/2 cup Macro gluten-free breadcrumbs

1/2 cup finely crumbled Macro gluten-free cornflakes

1/2 cup Macro gluten-free Lemon and Herb crumb coating

What you do…

1. Cut chicken into bite sized pieces.

2. Place flour in one bowl, eggs in another bowl and combine gluten-free breadcrumbs, gluten-free cornflakes and gluten-free breadcrumbs in a third bowl.

3. Coat chicken pieces, one at a time in flour, then egg, then crumbs. Place on a baking paper covered oven tray until all the chicken is crumbed. Place in the fridge to chill for half an hour.

4. Bake in a 180 degree celsius oven for 10 minutes or until nuggets are cooked all the way through. Serve with a side of salad or chips… or both!

When I say ‘serves 4‘ I mean that theoretically. The first time I made these, Mr Smaggle hadn’t eaten lunch and went for a massive run so the batch served both of us for one dinner, him for a second dinner and a small snack serve for the next day. They’re super delicious and much more healthy than deep-fried versions. You can experiment with different recipes for different results – I like a chunky crunchy coating so I used the gluten-free cornflakes as well as breadcrumbs. Just ditch them if you want a smoother crumb coating. Macro is rad because they make really basic gluten-free alternatives that you can just swap ingredients for in regular recipes. For example they have cornflakes. Not Aged Quinoa and Chia Grain Flaked Cereal Particles. Just regular old cornflakes. These chicken nuggets also make a fabulous late night snack if you’ve had a few glasses of wine. Just so you know… 

Do you ever make healthier versions of your favourite recipes at home? Care to share any recipes?

This post was coordinated by The Remarkables Group. 

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