Very Excellent Habits

Fun Things: A Little Catch Up…

Every now and then I like to do a little check-in. Because it’s fun!

This is a little question template I use from Pip at Meet Me At Mikes.

Making: Chicken soup. We’ve been REALLY sick in the Smaggle house for the last week so I’ve been making coconut chicken soup full of fresh garlic, ginger and turmeric in the pressure cooker. So good, I swear it it cut our sickness time in half. My fingers are stained yellow from grating the turmeric but it was totally worth it.

Cooking: Mexican taco bowls! Beef mince with burrito seasoning, sour cream, avocado, shredded cheese and taco sauce served over roast broccoli and cauliflower. Best low carb Mexican you can get.

Drinking: Milk. Actual glasses of milk. I’ve been obsessed with dairy the last few months because I’m pregnant (check Instagram if you missed the announcement!) I can actually have as much of it as I like. I usually avoid dairy because it gives me horrendous period pain but I won’t be getting one of those for a while so I’ll have a large glass of ice cold milk please… make it a double.

Reading: A Man Called Ove. It’s just lovely so far. Highly recommend it! If you’ve read Eleanor Oliphant Is Perfectly Fine, you’ll really like this.

Trawling: Through op shops looking for cotton sheets to make a huge rag rug out of. We have polished concrete floors that are a little chilly in winter so they need covering up.

Wanting: To sleep better. I’m struggling a bit to get to sleep at the moment. I wake up every hour on the hour, the whole night. Must try to get that sorted.

Looking: For a good body moisturiser. I’ve never had dry skin on my body until last year and now it’s a whole thing. So annoying. Anny recommendations? I’ve been scratching my shins in my sleep because they’re dry and itchy and I actaully draw blood sometimes. It’s getting to be a weirdly serious problem.

Deciding: On what car to buy in a few months time. Mr Smaggle’s car only has two seats so we obviously need something a bit bigger. I’m not super into cars so I’m not really sure what to start looking at… any thoughts?

Wishing: I wasn’t finding this winter so brutal. I usually love winter but I’m just constantly freezing. My body fat percentage is lower this year than last year so maybe that’s it? Better hit the Tim Tams and get some of my padding back!

Enjoying: Quiet weekends spent pottering at home. Tonight I’m making caulirice fried rice and we’re going to watch Cast Away because it’s on TV. Simple, lovely life is nice isn’t it?

Waiting: To see Cher in October! I’m so excited!

Liking: Led Zeppelin. I’ve always liked them but I’ve been listening to their London concert album and it’s bloody good.

Wondering: If I actually look pregnant. Every day it’s totally different. I’m like ‘Whoa! I look SO pregnant!’ and other days I’m like ‘Isn’t that kind of always my stomach looks like?’.

Loving: Full fat Greek yogurt. I’m trying to diversify my gut bacteria (I think that’s just about the wankiest thing I’ve ever written) and this stuff is the bomb. Except I have issues with stopping… can you OD on yogurt?

Pondering: What series to watch next. I’m waiting on Better Call Saul and Luther for more episodes so I’m at a bit of a loss. Suggestions welcome! Especially true crime docu-series.

Listening: Apple playlists. They’re bloody good. They also know me so well, it’s like a curated little list of Songs Carly Likes. Bonza.

Considering: Writing a play. I’ve had an idea cooking around for a while, just have to find the time to actually write the damn thing.

Buying: Not much… except underwear. The last few pairs I bought haven’t lasted very well and I’m a bit grumpy about it.

Watching: Detectorists. I discovered this show a few years ago and just realised another season was released last year and I totally missed it. It’s a great show and it’s on Netflix ATM, so definitely watch it. 

Hoping: My sleep issue sorts itself out this week. It’s really annoying.

Marvelling: At how different my hair is in humid and dry climates. The perils of curly hair.

Cringing: At Leyonhjelm. What a tosser.

Needing: To go to the dentist. Yawn. Can someone have a party and I’ll just go to that instead?

Smelling: Peppermint. I’m a Dr Bronners junkie and I smell minty all the time now.

Wearing: Lots of layers, merino and my ugg boots. It’s a cold wee winter here in Melbourne this year.

Noticing: An increase in engagement on the old blog here. I’ve mixed up the format and all my old commenters are coming back. It’s just lovely to see you all.

Thinking: How nice being a grown-up is. I love pottering around in my house, cleaning, cooking, snuggling down into my crispy sheets and making lovely healthy meals.

Admiring: The patterns and classes at Sew Good. I’ve always wanted to learn to sew properly. I’m not very good at it but I’d like to change that.

Getting: Mad at people who put bananas in plastic bags at the supermarket. They have a protective skin you peel off! Come on people, get with the program.

Bookmarking: Handmade by Caroline. Cannot get enough of her, she makes her own clothes but not in dowdy stole-the-curtains kind of way, everything she makes is so stylish. Love her.

Opening: Lots of parcels for Crochet Coach – so much yarn and so many projects coming up!

Closing: A few loose ends in my life. Nothing drastic, just sorting some stuff out.

Feeling: Good. Things are good. Working hard, sorting some business things out but all in all, things are good.

Hearing: Possums tap dancing on the roof in the middle of the night. Scares the shit out of me.

Celebrating: Mr Smaggle’s birthday, Mama Smaggle’s birthday and lots of other lovely things. It’s a good time of year.

Pretending: I don’t miss drinking wine. To be honest, I don’t even feel like it but I miss feeling like it if you know what I mean?

As always this charming little list is from Pip Lincolne at Meet Me At Mike’s. If you want to do your own be sure to credit her if you do! You can even just do it in the comments if you like!

Making :
Cooking :
Drinking :

So how are you? What have you been up to? Pick a few questions (or all of them!) and let me know!

P.S Also you should totally sign up for my newsletter. It’s full of cool stuff.
P.P.S Don’t forget Crochet Coach has a free trial offer period at the moment so make sure you sign up!

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