Very Excellent Habits

7 Signs Your Friend May Be Toxic

The legs of a young woman resting up against a wall at sunset on an autumn day

It’s hard to admit but sometimes there are people you just shouldn’t be friends with. Obviously not everyone is going to be perfect all the time and sometimes people go through some nasty stuff and it’s important to be a good friend and be there for them when they need you. However if you’ve been doing little more than dealing with a friend’s drama for years you might need to think about whether or not there’s room for them in your life. Here are 7 signs your friend may be toxic…

1. You feel inexplicably tired whenever you spend time with them

That horrible, slightly hungover feeling you get from spending all afternoon being aurally attacked by your friend who’s giving you a blow by blow of a hideous three day ‘relationship’ she had five years ago but is still obsessing over.

2. You often end up apologising for their bad behaviour

Like that time you had to apologise to your whole family at your own wedding because your toxic friend spent the day hitting on your cousin’s wife and then puked in the backseat of your Dad’s convertible.

3. A text message from them will render you paralized with fear…

… and you have to carefully control your face in public, in case she’s lurking around a corner, ready to pounce on you for grimacing at her name on the screen.

4. They have no ambitions

Like your mate from high school who for no real reason doesn’t have a job, still lives at home with his parents and is in no hurry to do anything other than play Xbox all day and borrow money from you.

5. You spend lots of time with them, yet they know nothing about what’s going on in your life

You know exactly how many freckles her new boyfriend has on his back yet she isn’t even aware that you just bought your first home. Also you’ve told her. Twice.

6. You’ve never really felt like you can trust them

If you lend them something, you’re pretty much guaranteed to never get it back and you feel a bit weird leaving your handbag unattended around them.

7. Everything you do is wrong

Like that time you dared to actually go to work on the day your toxic friend got a bad spray tan, instead of holding her hand and stroking her all day like you were supposed to.

Have you ever had a toxic friend? What warning signs did you see?

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