Very Excellent Habits

Fat Fashion and Positive Body Image – Part 2


As promised, here is the follow up post to my Fat Fashion post a few weeks ago. Just a few hints for the ladies out there who struggle with their self confidence. Obviously my tips won’t have you dancing naked on rooftops but hopefully they’ll steer you in the right direction… and if I do happen to inspire some alfresco nudie dancing, I require some photographic evidence.

Be kind to your body

Move it or lose it. I know it’s a lot of effort and there are plenty of you who manage to look like Kate Moss with out lifting a finger or dropping a donut but I cannot stress how important it is for your mental well being to exercise. Break a sweat everyday – go for a walk, a bike ride or play some football in the park. And for god’s sake eat some vegetables. Raw ones. By themselves and not drenched in flavouring. Do this every day. Drink water. Not soft drink, juice or Red Bull. Plain water. It won’t kill you.

Do something for yourself

Watch a crappy movie and give yourself a manicure, buy a ridiculously expensive fashion magazine and read it in the bath or buy yourself a killer pair shoes. Who’s feeling sexy now?

Take this Saturday night off

Do not write yourself off every single Saturday night because you think you should. You will inevitably wake up feeling like trash on Sunday and you will waste the whole day eating junk and sleeping yourself stupid. Have a glass of wine but be in bed at a decent hour. Get up early and go for a walk and have a healthy breakfast.

Surround yourself with positive people

Ditch the bitches who put you down. All of them. Your dodgy boyfriend with the ‘no fat chicks’ sticker on his car, your friend with food issues who raises her eyebrows every time you order a hamburger and that weird lady who works at the corner cafe and questions your choice of full fat milk. You deserve to be surrounded by butterfly people who sprinkle fairy dust over you. Don’t accept anything less.

Make an effort

Don’t be lame. Get dressed with purpose in the morning. And don’t give me any of your ‘I am too busy and tired’ crap. When I’m running on five hours sleep the only thing that makes me function is a half hour morning jog, a cool shower, some vitamins, a good breakfast, some sparkly eyeshadow and lashings of mascara. Chandelier earrings also help. You’ll look as gross as you feel if you wear daggy jeans and don’t wash your hair.

Make yourself irreplaceable

In every aspect of your life. If other people value you, then naturally you will start to value yourself. At work, make sure that you are on the ball so that the place falls apart when you’re away. With your friends, make sure you are the one that remembers their birthday and rescues them when their car breaks down. With your partner, be the best lover and friend that you can be. Make people crave your company and make sure the reputation that you have among them is fabulous. Obviously don’t be a door mat but nothing will make you glow more than being helpful and kind.

So off you go my little sugar pies! Get yourself a massage, take a spin class, paint your toenails and wear a gorgeous tiara. Make the effort and reap the rewards. What’s the alternative? Sitting around in your tracksuit pants drinking sugar crud and eating fat balls? Mmmm! Appetising!

Be fabulous!

Love Lady Smaggle


Disclaimer – I’m attending a boozy girls dinner this evening so if anyone sees me stumbling around the streets of Canberra in a drunken stupor please don’t judge me. I went to the gym today and I ate sushi for lunch. I deserve some gin, god damn it!

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