Very Excellent Habits

DIY Vera Wang Black Wrap Shoes

Put your hands up if you love Vera Wang?  Thought so. Here is a quick and easy way to copy cat her gorgeous black wrap heels.

What you need – 

* A pair of open toed black stilettos

* A metre of black felt 


Step One 

Measure and cut 2 metre long pieces of felt 8cm wide. Pull each piece so that they stretch a little. 

Step Two 

Place one piece under the sole of your shoe with one side longer than the other. Keep the short side vertical against the inside of your leg. 

Step Three

Take the longer piece and wrap it forward around the top your foot and then back over the heel of your shoes. 

Step Four

Take the remaining length of the long end and wrap it around your ankle, tucking the end in when you’ve finished. 

Not too shabby for a piece of felt and an old pair of heels! 

If you try this please send me photos or links! I love to see it when people try my DIYs! 

Love Lady Smaggle


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