Very Excellent Habits

Daily Style – Night out with the girls.


This is last night’s outfit that I wore for drinks, dinner and karaoke. There was also a midnight stop at my favourite Japanese supermarket on Swanston St to stock up on ginger candy, anchovies and wasabi crackers.

* Jeans from Jag (great fashion tip from Mr Smaggle’s bestie – if you avoid washing your jeans because they lose their shape and fade, a great way to ‘freshen’ them up is to pop them in the freezer for a few hours before you wear them. It sort of airs them out and shrinks them just enough so that you lose the baggy knees and bum look but they don’t have that tight fresh washed feel. Give it a go!)
* Dress from Barkins
* Black obi belt thrifted from Salvos
* Shoes from Nine West
* Black shrug from Garfunkle
* Earrings by Bouvier from Bijoux
* Rings Smaggle made

How was your night last night? What did you get up to?

Love Carly


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