Be your best self.

Daily Style

Daily Style
Carly Jacobs

Today was a really really really busy day at work but at least it went fast. Tonight I am going to make a necklace I think…

* Maxi dress from Cowboys and Angels

* Black short cardie from Cowboys and Angels

* Black Flats from Zu

* Black dress sash worn as head band (off a dress from Cowboys and Angels… what is with that today?!?)

* Silver hoop earrings from Bijoux

* Ceramic and gold leaf ring from Mr Smaggle at Floriade


  1. Lady Smaggle 17 years ago

    Very astute of you! I do live here in the Berra and the photos are taken North side. Glad someone else shares an appreciation of Cowboys and Angels Thanks for visiting my site and commenting! So where were you lucky enough to escape to?

  2. Kelly 17 years ago

    hello! i came across your blog through and I just have to ask whether you live in canberra! I lived there until recently and the background of your pictures looks so much like the park near lake gininderra it plus your mention of cowboys and angels! ahh!

  3. Kelly 17 years ago

    luckily after 18 years in the berra I escaped to Melbourne it really is fabulous! I do miss canberra though, I know it inside out and familiarity is alway comfortable! Do you have a livejournal or something I’d love to add your journal. Mine is as the link above 🙂

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