Be your best self.

Daily Style

Daily Style
Carly Jacobs

Today you don’t get to see the full length of this dress because I have decided that it is boxy and hideous. You can see it on Flickr though if you are desperate. Today was busy again at work with lots of people annoying me. But this afternoon I am off to help a friend prepare for an audition and then I am going to rehearsal…

* Hideous and boxy grey dress from Cowboys and Angels (shame on you!)

* Black flats from Zu

* Scarf from Tie Rack

* Every single bangle I own (except the ugly ones) because I felt like it

* Aviators


  1. Lady Smaggle 17 years ago

    Ha I don’t actually hate the dress that much – it just looks way better in real life. Thanks for the lovely comment I have blogrolled you back! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Nice site!

  2. Christy 17 years ago

    For the record, I quite like the dress. It may be boxy, but it’s somehow charming in its boxiness. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I commented on flickr that I really liked all the bangles, too, and I just wanted to say that they’re even more awesome up close!

    I like your blog. I’ll add it to my links list right now.

  3. Gem 17 years ago

    ooh i LOVE that headscarf! also your hair is cool ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Lady Smaggle 17 years ago

    Ha ha I AM the Mr T of bangles. I am so getting that made into a t-shirt.

  5. Hailey 17 years ago

    you are lke mr.t but with bangles, luv it!
    ๐Ÿ˜‰ I don’t have the stamina for that many bangles at once.

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