Very Excellent Habits

Daily Outfit

This was actually what I wore yesterday but I am in a nasty habit of ignoring my blog Sundays… naughty Smaggle! Yesterday I had the biggest sleep in ever and then snuck some sushi into a movie with Mister Smaggle and had a delightful picnic while watching ‘Across the Universe’. It was weird. The movie, not the sushi. And then I took my lovely friend out for dinner for her birthday to a Thai place and we drank delicious champange and chatted all night. Oh and she wore high heels (which is quite unlike her) because she read on Smaggle Style that you shouldn’t waste your high heels you should just wear them! Bless!

* White dress from Big W

* Black tie top from SES

* Black opaques from Myer

* Black flats from Zu

* Glass ring gift from Matt and Ged xxx

* Necklace from Paraphernalia and check out my post to see more stuff that I ordered from Vanda. So excited!

* Blue bow bag from Mr Smaggle last Christmas (Clever boy)

Oh and this photo was taken on Mr Smaggle’s Iphone! How awesome is that?

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