Very Excellent Habits

Christmas Style Tips 3

It’s the weekend before Christmas. By now you should be feeling silky smooth and completely blemish free thanks to my advice of bathing daily in sunscreen and Aeroguard. Your presents should be wrapped and under the tree ready for hearty distrubution on Christmas morning and you should have your entire Christmas day outfit planned. Facial hair removal should have been done a few days ago. Here is what’s left…

* Do your washing – All of it. And your ironing. Especially if you are going away. There is nothing worse than your clothes being dirty when you want to pack to go away. And it’s a cruel twist of fate that the clothes you wear most often (and therefore the ones that you like the most) are always in the wash. Well it’s not really a twist it’s just logic more than anything. And no one wants to do washing on Christmas Eve.

* Have a clean up – What a delicious feeling it will be to wake up on Christmas morning with your house all clean and everything in order. Then you can spend your holidays doing decadent things instead defrosting your fridge or vacuuming your car.

Wax your legs… and other bits – A few days before is an ideal time to do this because you will be silky smooth on Christmas day and all the redness and bumps will be gone as well. Make sure you give yourself a big delicious exfoliation and slather yourself in moisturiser afterwards. I have a secret fetish for getting all silky, wearing fresh pajamas, putting clean sheets on my bed, washing my hair and snuggling down for the for the most delectable sleep imaginable. Try it. The pleasantness is astounding.

* Pack and have a dress rehearsal – Start getting piles of clothes ready that you want to take with you. Make sure everything is clean, ironed and mended. And do dress rehearsals. I do one nearly everyday. It’s where you get completely dressed from head to toe in what you plan on wearing. In the Smaggle household we do this in front of the T.V at night and if Daddy Smaggle is there he insists on lame Allen’s ad poses like leaning against a wall and looking at your watch with a manic look of excitement. This is also great for packing because this way you won’t forget anything. Just take off everything you’re wearing and chuck it in a bag! Simple! And by ‘chuck’ I mean fold neatly. Do your make up and hair and everything so you take all the guess work out of it on Christmas day.

* Bake some delicious Chrismas cookies – Or at least do something else cheesy. Even if it’s wearing your pajamas and watching a crappy Christmas movie on T.V. Just take some time to chill out before Christmas day. No one likes a tired a tired cranky pants and if you relax a little before the day you’ll have plenty of energy for all the festivities.

 Only a few days left ladies… Are we all excited?

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