Very Excellent Habits

Are You A Casual Girl? Or a Deliberate Girl?

I have a theory that most women fall into one of two different categories. They’re either a Casual Girl or a Deliberate Girl. What kind of girl do you think you might be? [divider type=”thin” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]

The Casual Girl

* Can take one pair of shoes on a 2 week beach holiday and not even wear them

* Can style her hair by shoving a few bobby pins in it and it will look like she just walked off the NYFW runway

* Always gives very excellent life advice

* Orders the weird sounding thing at restaurants and ends up with the best meal

* Has a rad boyfriend that she stays friends with when they break up

* Knows all the lyrics to every song on the Spice World album but still listens to obscure dub step and jazz

* Has a hidden talent like rollerblading or circus tricks

* Never rushes. She’s usually on time but if she’s a bit late, it’s no biggie

* Isn’t picky about food

* Doesn’t care who she sits next to at a dinner party because she’ll chat to anyone

* Is just as comfortable at a fine dining restaurant as she is at the pub

* Can lose her phone for a full day and not even notice

* Never takes longer than about 15 minutes to get ready including a shower

* Pretty much says yes to everything including camping trips, tequila shots, midnight visits to the emergency room and seconds of dessert

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The Not So Great Bits

Casual Girls can be a little bit flighty. They might disappear from your life for a few months and then come strolling back as if nothing has happened. With their fabulously positive attitude they can also accidentally trivialize your problems and not give you enough air space to have a whinge about whatever is bothering you. They can also be a bit crap about paying back money that they owe you or returning clothes that they borrowed. Casual Girls tend to have lots and lots of friends so if your bestie is a Casual Girl, it can be difficult getting one on one time with her.

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The Deliberate Girl

* Is always dressed appropriately for every occasion

* Takes very good care of her friends when they’re sad

* Loves to party… sensibly.

* Speaks to most of her friends every day

* Is adored by everyone she’s ever worked with because she’s the perfect combination of lovely and efficient

* Has grown up things like throw rugs and water filters in her house

* Would much rather spend an evening on the couch with her best friend and a bottle of wine than go to a concert

* Can make a gluten, sugar, lactose and fat-free cake that tastes like heaven

* Never keeps anyone waiting

* Remembers your mother’s name and makes sure to stop and say hello when she sees her at the shops

* Has a handbag full of hair elastics, bobby pins, hand cream, sanitizer and breath mints that everyone is welcome to use

* Listens to all your problems, even the boring non-juicy ones

* Replies to text messages straight away or at least on the day that you sent them

* Is a champion at any activity that requires preparation like trivia nights, job interviews and wedding planning

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The Not So Great Bits

Deliberate Girls can be a bit clingy and tend to take things personally, so they require a little bit more attention than Casual Girls. Deliberate Girls are fantastic, engaged and loyal friends but they expect the exact same thing in return. They can also be the fun police and will try to stop you from having one night stands and spontaneously booking expensive tickets for OS holidays on your credit card. You’ll resent Deliberate Girls because they’re usually the voice of reason in your head and they’re usually correct.

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Most of my friends fall strongly into either of these categories. They certainly all have traits of both but there’s definitely dominance of Casual or Deliberate in all of them.


I’m a Deliberate Girl with a few Casual Girl traits. I’m very well prepared, I’m an excellent listener and I’m a kick-ass bridesmaid which makes me a Deliberate Girl. However I’m also a great hand bag. You can take me anywhere and not have to babysit me. I don’t get nervous talking to new people and I’m pretty upbeat and positive – all significant traits of the Casual Girl.


If you try to do something stupid, I’m definitely going to try to stop you. I’m not a clingy Deliberate Girl but I’m definitely a fun ruiner. I panic if I’m not near a toilet and I never talk to strangers even though I’m an adult. I plan everything and I get stress-by-proxy if you tell me you’ve lost your passport or you’re driving around in an unregistered car. I present as a Casual Girl but I’m a Deliberate Girl deep down.

I don’t intend for this to sound judgemental or mean. I just think it’s important for people to recognise the differences in each other and be understanding. So next time one of your friends is being really weird because you didn’t call her over the weekend, just be nice about it. She’s a Deliberate Girl and you probably broke her brain a little bit. And when your other friend hasn’t called you since she went overseas and then acts like it’s no big deal, stress less. She’s a Casual Girl.

Are you a casual girl? Or a deliberate girl? Or a super magical unicorn mix of both?


P.S There’s no excuse for being a dick. It’s doesn’t matter if you’re a Deliberate Girl or Casual Girl you MUST be a Kind Girl.

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