Very Excellent Habits

Can I get a consensus?

gym woman


I know you’re all incontinent with excitement. There’s a brand new segment here on Smaggle called ‘Can I get a consensus?’ where I’ll ask a fairly broad question and get a majority opinion. I feel that this may well curb some douche like behaviour on all of our parts as well as encouraging a lil’ thing I like to call logic which I believe is better than puppies. Here goes…

Last week I was at the gym on the stepper and I’m a real set-the-machine-to-interval-for-forty-minutes-and-knock-over-five-hundred-calories-while-reading-Vogue kind a gal and I was there at peak hour when the twenty minute rule applies. There are three steppers at my gym and I have never, ever seen anyone using any of them, I like to think it’s because I have the brut strength and graceful agility of a Charlie’s Angel and no one else stacks up… but… whatevs. I used the stepper for my usual forty minutes and when I went to clean the machine there was a woman standing next to it waiting for me to finish, presumably so she could use it next. She gave me the FILTHIEST death stare, despite the fact that there were two other available steppers for the whole forty minutes that I was occupying mine.

My question is… does the twenty minute rule apply while there are other machines available? Should I have stopped my workout at twenty minutes then resumed it on another stepper? Or stopped it completely and used the treadmill? Should I compromise the enjoyment of my workout for a rule that should only be applicable if all machines are occupied? Am I being selfish? Or logical?

Feel free to add any similar stories or to agree/disagree. This is what the whole segment is about! And email me at lady(at) if you have a question that you would like to have featured.

I can’t wait to hear your opinion!

Love Lady Smaggle


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