Very Excellent Habits

Can I get a consensus? Is it okay to accept a drink at a bar, no strings attached?

Woman at bar


Last weekend I found myself all frocked up for a friends birthday extravaganza – heels, lipstick – the whole shebang. We spent obscene amounts of money on sunset coloured cocktails and air-kissed our way through out the bar. Later in the evening, after my disappointingly sober man had politely excused himself and escaped into the loving arms of his Macbook, I found myself deep in conversation with a dapper young professional. He noticed my glass was empty and offered to get me a drink. I immediately declined and started making excuses but he stopped me in my tracks and said ‘It’s cool. I know you have a boyfriend, let me buy you a drink…’. How charming.

Despite the fact that this little interlude was completely innocent and that the young professional in question was genuinely being a gentleman, I think this scenario begs a pretty interesting question.

Is it okay to accept a drink from a person that you have no interest in?

I’m not suggesting an obligatory BJ for any guy that throws a vodka red bull at you, but on a basic level the offer of a drink represents a certain level of interest and the acceptance of the drink represents a reciprocation of that interest right?

What do you think? Is it okay to accept drinks if you’re off the market? Should this fact be stated before you accept the drink? Is it just a free for all when drinks are concerned regardless of your marital status? What about my man readers? How do you feel about buying drinks for taken women? Or women buying drinks for taken men?

And please let me know what country you are from. I know Americans are a lot more relaxed about dating than Australians and I’m curious to see what my international readers have to say about this.

Love Lady Smaggle

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