Very Excellent Habits

Brown Dress – Daily Style

Here is what I wore yesterday for the first day of the loveliest weekend I have ever had! Mr Smaggle  and I woke up late and made a delicious fruit smoothie (in a tiny food processor because we couldn’t find a blender at the house we are looking after!) and then wandered aroung the house watering plants and feeding the birds. We then stopped by a factory outlet centre near where we are staying and I picked up a few bargains. I then went to see Atonement (average… don’t bother if you hate Kiera Knightly as much as I do) and had lunch with my nutty friend Gina which was delightful. Mr Smaggle and I then had delicious Thai food for dinner and his brother and our mate came around for drinks. The house we are looking after doesn’t have a T.V or the  internet so we actually sat around and read and talked. It was blissful!

* Brown dress from Big w

* Biege wrap top from Tree of Life

* Gisele thongs from Novo

* Yellow bangle from Diva

* Wood dinosaur head necklace from Itrip Iskip

Oh and by the way the reason that I am laughing in this picture is because right as it was taken this drunk bogan yelled out across the street ‘Show us your butt cheek!’. It was quite an odd thing to say because he said ‘butt cheek’. As in singular. Like he only wanted to see one of them. I do hope he managed to get a peek at a lone butt cheek that evening. He seemed awfully keen…

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