Very Excellent Habits

Back in Business – Weekend Style x 3!

Hey my loves back in action after the most delightful weekend away. I was totally without t.v, laptop, dvds or music the entire weekend and it was incredible. Here’s a little run down of the weekends events…

On Friday morning Mr Smaggle and two of our friends had a really early BBQ picnic breakfast to watch the hot air balloon festival over the lake. It was too foggy for the balloons to fly very high so we ate breakfast and went for a walk to check out the balloons that managed to stay inflated. It was Anzac Day (for my international readers Anzac stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corp and it’s a day of commemoration for our soldiers that fought in wars) so everyone had the day off work. Mr Smaggle and I then drove to the coast, went shopping in little bookstores and gift shops along the way, went to the zoo and ate fish and chips by the ocean… Seriously delightful!

* Maxi dress from Cowboys and Angels

* Long sleeved top from Target

* Teal opaques from Myer

* Leather jacket from Target

* Scarf 21st birthday gift

* Shoes from Scooter

* Sunglasses from Equip

* Hat lent to me from Dave (it’s not actually part of the outfit I was just really really cold!)


On Saturday we slept in and then went to Bateman’s Bay for lunch. We then played miniature golf and Mr Smaggle kept laughing because when I didn’t get the ball in the hole I would swear really loudly and inappropriately in front all the children, who just quietly were swearing just as much as I was. We then got delicious Thai takeaway and drank cider outside while watching possums frolicking in the trees. I know it’s totally vomit-inducing cuteness but trust me it gets worse…

* Top from Supre

* Skirt from Tree of Life

* Belt from BCBG

* Shoes from Marco Gianni

* Earrings from Ebay

* Indian bangle from Bollywood store

* Coin bangle thrifted at St Vinnies


Today Mr Smaggle and I got up early and went for a long walk along the beach. We then ate a delicious picnic in a park by the ocean. We then spontaneously decided to stop by a place called ‘Birdland Animal Park’ and it was awesome! We arrived just in time for a snake and wombat show and as there were only four people in the audience we all got to hold the snake! This is Goldie and she recently shed her skin so she was all clean and soft. I loved the way she kept wrapping her tail around my arm like a bangle. I also got to cuddle a baby wombat called Bailey who was SO CUTE! We then drove home and ate eggs for dinner while watching Gladiator. It was a truly terrifying re-introduction back into the land of television…

* Skirt from Tree of Life

* I heart New York t-shirt from Mr Smaggle from New York

* Fabric bangles Smaggle made

Yep – so my weekend pretty much rocked. How was yours? 

Love Lady Smaggle



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