Very Excellent Habits

7 Freaking Awesome Ways To Procrastinate

Pretty girl posing with tablet


was having a chat with my girl Christina from Hair Romance and she was telling me that her favourite method of procrastinating is Procrastineating. Don’t want to write that report? Cake! Can’t face your inbox? Chips! I knew exactly what she was talking about.

Since then I’ve been quizzing my friends on their favourite ways to procrastinate. Here’s the list of awesome ways to procrastinate thus far.

1. Procrastineating

Telling yourself that you’ll tackle your inbox right after you’ve eaten this sandwich.

2. Procrastibaking

Deciding you absolutely HAVE TO MAKE COOKIES RIGHT THIS SECOND when you have 3 deadlines the next day. This one often goes hand in hand with procrastineating.

3. Procrasticleaning

Doing something lame like taking a cup to the sink instead of cleaning the toilet. This form of procrastinating usually happens when the procrasticleaner is avoiding cleaning something else.

4. Procrastibating

When someone avoids completing a task by busying themselves with… themselves.

5. Procrastitweeting

When you sit on the couch NOT grocery shopping and tweeting about how you aren’t grocery shopping and should be grocery shopping. LOL.

7. Procrastibooking

Just ‘checking’ Facebook before starting your next task and spending the next two hours trying to figure out if that girl you went to high school with had a boob job or not. There’s also Procrastigramming, Procrastiscoping, Procrastipinning… you get the gist.

8. Procrastigrooming

Telling yourself that you’ll totally start on that article after you’ve mastered single false lash application.

Personally I’m a huge procrastibaker and procrastibooker. I have a type A personality so I don’t necessarily condone these practices but if you have to procrastinate, here’s how to do it well.

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What’s your most favourite method of procrastinating? Can you add any to the list?


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By the way you should totally sign up for the Smaggle newsletter and like Smags on Facebook. I don’t want to pressure you but I heard all the cool kids are doing it. Just saying.

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