Very Excellent Habits

7 Totally Awesome Health and Fitness Apps

Rock on, run on, power through. That is the stuff of champions. A brunette, long-haired jogger is deep in thought, focused on her goal and being motivated by her the music she is listening to.

Being the significant other of an app developer I can safely say I’m an app junkie. I have no qualms with paying $9 for an app just to see if I like it and I often lie in bed and browse the app store for the latest developments.

I particularly love calendar, productivity and fitness apps. I’ve tried about 20 or 30 different fitness apps and these are by far the best I’ve come across. Here are 7 totally awesome health and fitness apps that will help to kick your gorgeous butt into gear.

7 Minute Workout Challenge

I bought the 7 Minute Workout Challenge app about a year ago and I still use it regularly. It has a list of 12 different simple exercises that you can do without equipment in your own home or outside in a park. A full set of the exercises takes 7 minutes and you can do as many sets as you have time for. Perfect for travel or when you need a quick workout but don’t have time.


This one is very science-y and cool. It basically tracks your movements, steps, food, heart rate and liquid intake and displays it in a fancy pants graph. Perfect for data geeks and people who like a good design.


Nike + Running

My love for Nike + Running knows no bounds. I’ve had the app for about three years and I log every single run that I do. My favourite feature is that it posts your runs to Facebook and if anyone likes or comments on your post you hear cheers through your headphones. It’s so motivating. This is probably my number 1 fitness app and very close to being my number 1 app of all time. It’s simple to use, you can connect with friends and have running challenges with them and all data can be posted to your social media channels to keep you accountable.

Calorie King

Calorie King is by far the best calorie resource I’ve found. It’s Australian based which is really the main draw card for me. I can look up things like Arnott’s biscuits and Muffin Break and get an accurate representation of the calories in Australian food. Also I’ve found with most other American based calorie counters if I type in ‘apple’ I have to scroll through pages of apple pies, apple cakes and apple pastries to find just a plain old apple. Super annoying. Calorie King is a simple no fuss calorie value app. Note: this app is not for tracking calories it’s simply a database of calorie values.


Another really simple app that tracks your movements throughout the day. It shows where you went, how long it took you to get there and how often you move throughout the day. It’s the perfect alternative to a pedometer.

Zombies, RUN!

A lot of people have dissed Zombies, RUN! and I’ll admit I’ve probably only used it a handful of times but I just love it when companies take risks like this and create a truly unique fitness experience. Basically, the zombie apocalypse has come and you’re being chased by zombies. You get given instructions from a woman in a helicopter and you have to increase your pace as she directs or otherwise you end up as Zombie chow. I found the run itself quite easy and I’d like a few different levels in the app but apart from that it’s totally worth a try. Good fun workout.

Food Diary and Calorie Tracker by MyNetDiary

I’ve tried heaps of calorie tracking apps and this one is by far my favourite. It’s simple, there’s no fancy bells and whistles and best of all it’s not attached to a particular diet or way of eating like paleo or sugar-free. It’s just an easy way to track your daily energy intake and make sure you’re consuming what you should be. I used to use this in conjunction with Calorie King to get accurate measures of calories as some of the foods on MyNetDiary are very basic or from the US.

Do you use any health and fitness apps? What are your favourites?

By the way you should totally sign up for the Smaggle newsletter and like Smags on Facebook. I don’t want to pressure you but I heard all the cool kids are doing it. Just saying.

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