Very Excellent Habits

How To Avoid Getting Ripped Off At The Airport

A young woman is holding her walllet in the street outside a shop


’m a very frequent traveller and I’m also a total scrooge who hates getting ripped off at the airport. By the time I’ve caught a cab to my terminal, grabbed a bottle of water and a magazine and shouted myself a cheeky wine on the plane, I can easily rack up an extra $100 on my travel budget without even trying. As a veteran traveller I’ve developed a few tips to help you avoid getting ripped off at the airport…

Pack an empty water bottle and snacks

Most airports don’t allow liquids through the check in station so pack an empty bottle and fill it at a water fountain on the other side of security. You can also take through some pre-packaged snacks like muesli bars or protein balls bought from a supermarket to avoid the airport mark up. You can pack fruit but if you don’t eat it, you’ll most likely have to throw it away at your destination.

Consider parking your car at the airport

There’s this weird myth that parking your car at the airport is crazy expensive and it is – if you park for 3 hours. If you park for 3 days it’s a different story. If I catch a cab to the airport in Melbourne it’s $120 for both trips. If I pre-pay for parking it’s about $70 for a few days. This is a massive saving as it’s difficult to avoid paying for airport transfers at my destination so I always make the saving in my hometown.

Sleep on the flight

I’ve written a few times about how I always sleep on planes, even if it’s a one hour domestic flight. Not only do I grab a few moments of shut-eye but I also save myself money by not buying $15 worth of drinks and snacks on the plane.

Take a book or magazine with you

I love reading on the plane (if I can’t sleep!) but books are so expensive at the airport. Always make sure you’ve bought enough entertainment for the flight so you don’t end up dropping $30 on a book you could have picked up at Big W for half the price.

Be on time

My partner loves to race the clock and try to get to the airport at the perfect time so he doesn’t have to wait to board his flight but quite frankly this behaviour is maddening to me. If you don’t want to be slugged with transfer fees because you missed your flight, make sure you arrive in plenty of time.

Buy luggage scales

I’ve had to pay excess baggage a few times and it’s super frustrating but it was entirely my fault. It’s never a mystery how much baggage you’re allowed to take on a flight or carry on so get yourself some scales and avoid the excess baggage fees at the gate.

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Do you travel often? What are your tips for avoiding airport expenses?


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P.S Did you know there’s a Smaggle newsletter? And Smags on Facebook? There’s lots of awesome life tips and Beyonce in both of those places.

P.P.S This post was written for this rad competition because why the hell not?

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