Very Excellent Habits

Ask Me Anything…


realised quite recently that I often get asked random questions on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram but the questions get buried so quickly and sometimes I miss them. Also Facebook messages SUCK on business pages which means I often end up missing a whole lot of questions which makes me look like a giant jerk off.

So I thought I’d give you guys the opportunity to ask me anything! I’ll answer all the questions in a blog post. You can ask about my hair (very popular topic), careers advice, living in Melbourne, running several business at the same time, theatre, weight loss, friendships, crocheting… ask me anything!

You can ask anonymously or send an email if you’re too shy to ask in the comments.

Also as a way of saying thank you to those who ask questions I’ll be giving away three Essie nail polish packs with three bottles of scrummy Essie polish in each. All you have to do to win is ask a question in the comments.

So if you’re keen to get your hands on some cute nail polish make sure to ask a question! It’s open to everyone world wide so don’t be shy.

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So tell me… what have you always wanted to know?


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