Very Excellent Habits

A Few Things Happening With Me…

Most of my posts at Smaggle are based on tips or productivity advice but every now and then I think it’s nice to have a catch-up. So, today I’m taking stock of March. Pip from Meet Me At Mike’s does this every month and it’s such a lovely way to stop and have a think about where you’re at, where you’re going and how you’re feeling about the whole she-bang. Here’s my month… don’t forget to add yours in the comments. Accidentally, these Taking Stock style posts usually end up being very tip based anyway!

Making – My own whole egg mayonnaise. I go through SO MUCH mayo so I thought I’d learn to make it myself. It takes a while (you have to drip the oil very slowly) but it’s a kind of lovely, slow meditative activity to do.

Cooking – Everything in my pressure cooker. I honestly don’t know what I did without this. Pressure cookers are like fast slow cookers. You can make amazing, fall apart chicken curry in 12 mins. It’s madness. I use it every Sunday to make meals for the week, it’s so good.

Drinking – Not much alcohol wise at the moment because I’m doing a fitness challenge at my gym but I’ve totally lost my piss fitness anyway. I had a beer at the football on Sunday and I woke up the next day feeling like I’d been on a week-long bender. 20-year-old Carly would NOT be impressed.

Reading: I’ll Be Gone In The Dark about the Golden State Killer. It’s written by Paton Oswald’s late wife Catherine McNamara. She died before she could finish it but her researcher finished it for her and it was just released recently. It’s really good so far, but only if you like true crime.

Next read: The Suspect by Michael Robotham. My mate recommended it to me ages ago and I finally remembered to buy it. Also, how would you pronounce that last name? Rob-otham? Or Robot-Ham? Please say Robot-Ham.

Wanting: My nose to stop being blocked every day. Out of nowhere, I’m all of a sudden Little Miss Sinus Issues. Not cool.

Looking: Forward to some fun events over the next few weekends. Birthdays, weddings. It’s going to be a lovely few weeks.

Playing: Codenames. Some mates of mine introduced me to it a few months ago and it’s great. Really easy to learn how to play and I’m yet to meet someone who doesn’t like it.

Deciding: Just how much dairy I can eat without it causing me grief. I’m currently only having it in milk form in tea and coffee but I think I might be able to extend it a little to include cheese. Fingers crossed. Note: Sinus issues are not dairy related. My dairy issues are menstruation-related. Fun times.

Wishing: I lived just a little bit closer to my hometown. If Melbourne and Sydney could switch places, that would be perfect. 

Enjoying: My new home. Having a bedroom with an actual door that isn’t also a hallway is a luxury I’m really enjoying.

Waiting: For this amazing vintage crochet stitch dictionary to arrive in the post. I ordered it in January and I think they sent it via turtle because it’s taking its sweet ass time.

Liking: The weather cooling down. I sleep much better when I’m cold.

Wondering: Why my zucchini plants died. They were thriving to the point where they were crowding each other so I moved one of them a metre to the left and they both shat themselves and died. I’m devo. I had so many people tell me it’s fine to move plants and clearly, IT’S NOT!

Loving: How I don’t carry keys at all anymore. Our house has an electric lock with a code and Mr Smaggle’s car (that I drive) only has a little dongle thing but no key. I literally don’t own a single key and it’s kind of amazing.

Pondering: How few people think about the fact that Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson’s name is Dwayne. Dwayne. I don’t feel like anyone talks about this enough.

Considering: How amazing it is that Gourmet Girlfriend called her new puppy Goose. What was that bang? Did you just faint from cuteness? Yeah, you did.

Buying: Hardly anything. How boring. I’m actually considering trying this – Hot pink is my signature lip colour and I’ve been dreaming of finding a long-lasting lipstick I can wear every single day without having to constantly re-apply or get severe dehydration from avoiding drinking and smudging it (I drink A LOT of water). Have you heard anything about it? What do you think? I don’t want to buy it and hate it and have to throw it away. I research everything hard these days to avoid waste, so any thoughts would be great.

Watching: The Mindy Project. 

Next watch: I’m waiting on so many next seasons of shows like Westwood, Better Call Saul, Fleabag, The Good Place, The Handmaid’s Tale. I do think I need a ‘new’ show but I’m not quite sure what to commit to next. Stay tuned.

Hoping: This year stays cool. It’s been pretty freaking great so far which is lovely because the last two years have been quite average so I’m quite keen to stay on this trajectory thanks very much.

Marvelling: At how our beautiful listeners of Straight & Curly have left 136 reviews for us in just a few months after we had to switch our podcast hosting and essentially start building our following all over again. People are so excellent sometimes.

Cringing: At this show I watched the other day where it showed dudes proposing to women and the women saying no. So awkward. So watchable.

Needing: Not much right now, except maybe to plan my winter shoe situation. I have one pair of boots that I wear pretty much all the time but I need a ballet flat/clog kind of thing for wearing with pants or tights. If you have any suggestions, hit me up.

Questioning: The tagline on Mr Smaggle’s new motorbike helmet box. It says ‘More than just a helmet.’ Nope. It is literally just a helmet. It doesn’t do anything else. That’s a terrible tagline.

Smelling: Wild Ferns Manuka Honey hand cream. My bestie brings it back for me from New Zealand and it’s awesome. I’m hooked now.

Wearing: This dress. It’s so comfy. Also wearing Muji undies I’m obsessed with, they have loose elastic around the waist so they don’t cut in. I’m also wearing ugg-boots and I’m thrilled about it.

Following: All of these people. 

Worrying: About everything. All the time. It’s just who I am.

Noticing: How much my hair prefers being brown than blonde. Dang. It goes all ratty and brassy after a while when it’s blonde. Sigh.

Knowing: I’m going to choose to forget that information in a year or two and demand that my hairdresser give me highlights. Idiot.

Thinking: About doing an online singing course. Just for fun.

Admiring: @fullerfigurefullerbust on Instagram. I just love her. 

Sorting: Out my yarn! I feel like this is my life now.

Getting: Excited for full-blown winter. I can’t wait to get my down coat out.

Bookmarking: Everything Kate from Secret Blogger’s Business tells me to. That woman is a genius.

Coveting: An Uashmama backpack but I’m a bit concerned about the straps. They don’t look that comfy or supportive. What do you think?

Disliking: Negativity. Everyone seems so grumpy all the time or is it just me?

Opening: The windows and letting the fresh crisp air into our house and leaving them open until I’m properly cold. Bliss.

Giggling: At this kid. What a little trooper. 

Feeling: Really good. I just finished an 8-week challenge at my gym and I lost 2% body fat. Can’t complain. Although I randomly got a cold for the first time in three years a week ago. Not happy about that.

Snacking: On natural almonds. Boring.

Hearing: Our next door neighbours cat Yoshi running around on the roof. Too cute.

So tell me, what’s your March been like?

P.S Also you should totally sign up for my newsletter. It’s full of cool stuff.
P.P.S Don’t forget Crochet Coach has a free trial offer period at the moment so make sure you sign up!

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