Very Excellent Habits

9 Things I’m Totally In Love With Right Now


have a friend who is a killer researcher of cool things. Her name is Nina and every time she recommends something to me it becomes my very favourite thing in the world. Essie nail polish. Full cream milk. Bioderme moisturiser. This list goes on. I keep telling her she should start a blog called Nina’s Number 1s but she’s not that keen. Perhaps we should all peer pressure her to start it? That sounds like fun!

Until I manage to get together a mob to force Nina into starting a blog she has no interest in starting, here are a few things I’ve been loving lately. Do let me know about your favourite things too.

1. Simply Crochet Magazine

I know I keep banging on about it but I’ve become a crazy crocheter in the past year. This means I’ve spent a good chunk of my disposable income on hooks, yarn and a shite load of books. So many books. All the crochet books. I’ve perused all the magazines on offer and they’re all a bit daggy for my liking but I adore Simply Crochet. All the patterns are super useful, really cute and there’s not a daggy colour combo in sight. It’s a nightmare to try to find but country towns always manage to pull through for me – thanks for the latest issue Mudgee!

2. Trello

My latest organisation obsession is Trello. I’ve been using it to organise bigger projects so I don’t forget all the small steps I need to take. It’s awesome. I have a blog, a blog school business, 2 podcasts, several regular writing gigs and a billion social media platforms I have to manage all the time and Trello makes me want to cry less about it, which is always a good thing.

3. Watching the entire back catalogue of Degrassi High on YouTube

It’s just so good. I also started stalking all the stars on Twitter and Melinda Shankar totally followed me back. I’m glowing. GLOWING!!! I’m also totally in love with Eli and if you comment on this post and you know who Eli is, email me your address and I’ll send you a little handmade crochet something. I promise. I need to talk about Eli with someone and I can’t find anyone who knows who he is. I will resort to bribes.

4. Boiled egg snacks

Sometimes I forget about boiled eggs and then I remember them and then I eat them all the time. Now is one of those times. They’re hearty, they’re delicious and they fill you right up. Best snack ever.

5. OXO Twisting Tea Ball

We’re very serious about tea making in the Smaggle house and we recently bought this OXO tea strainer. After fighting over it for 3 months we bought another one on the weekend and now we can have a cup of tea at the same time. It’s awesome – you can scoop in exactly how much you need, it cleans really easily and there’s no sneaky bits of tea that escape all the time.

6. F45

I’m sure I’ve mention this before but I love it. It’s 45 minutes of hardcore exercise and it goes so quickly I barely noticed it. I’ve been doing it for most of the year and it’s amazing. I have mini-guns and everything.

7. You and Hidden Bodies by Caroline Kepnes

I read these two books while I was in the US and I adored them. They’re kind of like Dexter in a way. I can’t tell you too much more about them without ruining them but if you like quirky, serial killer type books read these. They’re weirdly not scary though.

8. Le Tan Daily Face 50+ BB Creme

I bought this a few months ago and I’ve ploughed through it. I use it as a primer for underneath my foundation. It’s the highest SPF I could find and it does wonders for making my skin look all clear and delicious. If you’ve seen my face in the past three months, not hated it and wondered what products I’ve been using, this one is the culprit.

9. Everything in this Etsy store

I went through a major hippie phase in late high school and there’s something about the whole floaty skirt, turquoise jewellery and draped scarf thing that I just can’t ditch. It’s not my style now but it’ll come back to me one day, I’m sure of it.

As usual I’d love it very much if you told me a few things you’re loving this week.

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What’s your new favourite beauty product? TV show? Podcast?


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P.S Also you should totally sign up for my newsletter. It’s full of cool stuff.

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