Very Excellent Habits

Weekly Style Report: My 7 Year Blogoversary and The Annual De-Lurk


 Dress from Zara 

Wrap Cardigan from Zhai 

Boots from Merchant 

Scarf stolen from Mr Smaggle

Sunglasses from Randolph

Wallet from Nancy Bird 

Silver bangles and earrings from Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam

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 Dress from Boom Shankar 

Obi Belt from ManoBello  (I bought 3 of these a few years ago and I have worn them to death. I get very funny about wearing black shoes if there’s no other black on my outfit and a black leather obi saves me every time)

Thongs from Duck Feet

Sunglasses from Randolph 

Coin necklace from Poppy Smaggle

Earrings from India

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 Skirt thrifted from Vinnies about 7 years ago

Tunic from Boom Shankar 

Shoes Swedish Hasbeens from Amazon (I invested in these last summer and I have no regrets. So comfy and they don’t chip and wear like cheaper clogs)

Coin necklace from Poppy Smaggle

Earrings from India

Smell the Fart Face from Staring into The Sun Without Sunglasses

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It’s a rather special day here in the Smaggle haus. As of lunch time today, I will have officially been blogging for 7 whole years. I hit publish on my first article ever on the 9th September 2007. It was a super boring and speculation filled post about Zara coming to Australia which didn’t end up happening for another four years. If I had of known I’d end up writing a sentimental blog post about it someday, I would have written about something heaps cooler but you know, such is life.

On that note, it’s time for my annual thank you:

THANK YOU SMAGGLETS!!! I seriously love you guys so much. The conversations, the cool shit you teach me and just how freaking rad everyone is makes me ridiculously happy every day.

If you’re a bird, then I’m a bird.

You guys had me at ‘hello’.

If you jump, I jump.

I love you guys.

It’s also time for your annual de-lurk with many fascinating and soul searching questions for you. Simply copy and paste the questions into the comments and de-lurk away you sneaky sausages. 

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What’s your name?

Where do you live?

Have you ever stolen something from a shop?

If you could have one beverage in the world right this second, what would it be?

How did your parents meet?

What’s your spirit animal?

Name three things in your fridge?

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De-lurk! De-lurk! De-lurk!

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