Very Excellent Habits

7 Ways To Boost Your Mood and Brighten Your Day


simply adore collecting little pieces of information that will help my readers to have a brilliant day. If I read or hear an awesome tip I write it down in a folder in my phone and when I’ve got enough I pop them together in a little list like this one. It’s so important to take the time to plug in and make sure that we’re doing okay. It’s also a good time to be really kind to ourselves – Easter breaks are great but they can leave you feeling a bit flat. Here are 7 ways to boost your mood and brighten your day.


1. Eat a banana

Banana skin and also bananas contain serotonin which is the happy hormone. So have one on your cereal, blend one into a smoothie or just eat one on it’s own!

2. Smile

Smiling even when you don’t feel like it, tricks your brain into thinking that you’re happy. Try it – it almost always works for me.

3. Book a fun event 

Buy tickets to a festival, theatre performance, comedy show or a weekend away. There’s nothing more mood elevating than having something to look forward to.

4. Eat a mint 

Peppermint has been thought to boost positive thinking and stimulate the brain. Try sipping on peppermint tea or sucking on a mint to give you a little mood boost.

5. Be near water 

I can’t find any evidence to back this up but I don’t know of too many people who can’t get a little bit happier when they’re sitting near a natural body of water so if you’re feeling a touch down, haul your butt to the nearest beach, lake or river.

6. Have a bath

A study Yale showed that drinking warm tea or soaking in a hot bath can not only be brilliant for relaxation but it can also help to reduce feelings of loneliness. So hop in the tub to get that mood soaring!

7. Get some light

Being indoors, in the dark all day is terrible for your general feelings of well being. Make sure you get some sun whenever you can.

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How is your day going? Do you need a bit of a mood boost?


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