Very Excellent Habits

50 Cute Things to Wear

1. Knee socks

2. Frilly knickers

3. Shoes with bows

4. Flowers in your hair

5. Strings of beads

6. A candy coloured i-pod

7. Little kids plastic hair bobbles

8. Glitter

9. Aprons

10. Pink lipstick

11. White nail polish

12. Diamantes in the corners of your eyes

13. Platform sandals

14. Lace ankle socks

15. Pigtails

16. Rings on every finger

17. Nail decals

18. Friendship bracelets

19. Pearl necklaces

20. Blouses

21. Knickerbockers

22. Fake tattoos

23. Shimmer eye shadow

24. Ankle bracelets

25. Brightly coloured headbands

26. Tin lunch boxes as handbags

27. Arm socks

28. Thigh high leg warmers

29. Bikini tops as bras

30. Vintage slips

31. Scarves as belts

32. Men’s watches

33. Knee socks over tights

34. Necklaces with words on them

35. Candy bracelets

36. Skirts hemmed with ribbon trimming

37. A wreath of leaves in your hair

38. Men’s shirts with the sleeves rolled up

39. Short flouncy skirts with chunky boots

40. Toe rings

41. Ear muffs

42. Little dresses with Dunlop Volleys

43. Pink umbrellas

44. Berets

45. Stick pins

46. Princess Leia hair buns worn on the side of your head

47. Lego men necklaces

48. Fake moles

49. Bows

50. A cheeky smile

Love Lady Smaggle


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