Very Excellent Habits

5 Ways To Eat Well If Leafy Greens Make You Want To Hurl


subscribe to a bit of a tough love principle around these parts. Everyone is busy and it can be hard to take care of our health sometimes but I truly do believe that everyone has the ability to get their 5 serves of veggies in every day. I understand that a lot of people don’t like vegetables but I have two things to say to those people.

1. Suck it up.
2. Be sneaky with those little health gremlins.

Here are 5 ways to eat well if leafy greens make you want to hurl…

Blend them into a smoothie

Green smoothies aren’t as gross as they look, I promise. Just make sure to add enough apple or orange to mask the green taste and it will feel just like drinking juice. If you still can’t stomach that, try popping a handful of baby spinach into a regular milk based banana or berry smoothie. It sounds weird and it will give it a greenish tinge but you won’t even taste it. It’s a great way to add an extra handful of veggies into your diet.

Hide them in bolognese

Make your favourite spaghetti bolognese sauce and had some defrosted and strained frozen spinach to the sauce. You won’t even notice it and you’ll get a decent hit of greens with your comfort food. Win.

Put them on a healthy hamburger

You can either load up a home-made hamburger with lots of leafy greens and tomato or you can make healthy zucchini based patties instead of fatty meat patties.

Hide them in a healthy lasagne

Make a lasagne as usual and just add a few layers of zucchini or ditch the meat entirely and just make a vegetarian lasagne. Using vegetables instead of lasagne sheets is a brilliant way to make healthy and tasty comfort food.

Make them into a dip

You can make healthy spinach, carrot and cucumber dips – just have a search through some healthy recipe blogs online for inspiration. You can even make dip out of beetroot. You also get extra points if you use veggie sticks instead of crackers!

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Do you struggle to get enough veggies in your diet? How do you work them in without compromising your food joy?


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