Very Excellent Habits

5 Things You Need To Watch/Read/Listen to ASAP in 2019

In the last month whenever someone has started a sentence with ‘Have you watched/read/listened to (insert show/book/podcast here)?’, my answer has been ‘Yes. Yes I have.’

As a brand spanking new parent, I spend anywhere from a minimum of 3 to many, many more hours a day breastfeeding my baby girl and that requires entertainment. Although to be fair, Harriet’s feeds are very entertaining on their own. She does Mariah Carey diva hands like she’s summoning milk from the gods and she makes these frenzied grunting sounds as she guzzles. It’s a full body experience for her and I have to hold on to her super tightly so she doesn’t surprise with me an almighty arm flourish and topple right off my lap.

After over a month of breastfeeding, I’ve watched/read/listened to all the things. It’s one of the random perks of new parenthood. You get zero time to yourself but you do get a free pass to binge all the entertainment you fancy while your baby is chained to your boobs for most of the day. Here’s what’s been keeping me awake at 4am for the last few weeks…

1. Derry Girls

This popped up as a recommendation for me on Netflix and I ignored it for ages because Netflix has a very low opinion of me and usually recommends complete garbage. I watched a few episodes of Dooms Day Preppers and now Netflix thinks I’m a reality TV junkie and no matter how many high brow documentaries or British comedies I watch, I can’t seem to fix the shitty algorithm that thinks that I want to watch Alaska State Troopers.

Anyway, I clicked on Derry Girls mid-feed one evening because I couldn’t be bothered searching for something else and I’m so glad I did. It’s kind of like The Inbetweeners but it’s set in the 90s in Ireland and the main characters are girls that go to a Catholic high school. There’s only one season and I binged watched it way too quickly but it’s an absolute cracker of a show. It’s funny but also serious because being set in Ireland in the 90s it’s smack bang in the middle of Northern Ireland conflict so it’s got a shite load of depth to it as well.

On a personal note, I found the show to be extremely relatable. I went to an all-girls Catholic high school in the 90s so the fashion, soundtrack and social nuances were like walking through my past. It’s an excellent show and you should definitely watch it. Also, I have no idea how this works but I reckon if more people watch this show, the more likely they’ll make a second season of it and I really, really want a second season. Let’s make it happen people.

2. Unerased 

Someone asked the question ‘Name a podcast that’s really stayed with you?’ on Facebook and this was one of the replies so I thought I’d give it a go. It’s kind of a promotion for a movie called Boy Erased that’s about gay conversion therapy in the states. The podcast is a look at a victim of conversion therapy, the history of how this therapy came to exist and how it (obviously) doesn’t work. It’s a fascinating podcast, especially as they interview a man who ran a gay conversation therapy camp for 20 years… and is now married to a dude.

3. The Lost Man 

I read Jane Harper’s The Dry last year around Christmas time and I swear I devoured it in under 24 hours. If you’ve never read a Jane Harper novel before, get on it. Perfect holiday/beach read. I liked The Dry better than The Lost Man but this one still holds up. I’ve got Force of Nature next on my list. Don’t you just love discovering a new author and then devouring all their books?

4. You 

I recommended these books in this post ages ago and I was so stoked when I heard they were making a TV show out of it and staring Penn Badgely as Joe thank you very much. The show was everything I wanted it to be and I’m already fanging for season two. I’m not even sure if they’re going to make a season two based on Hidden Bodies (the second book) but I really hope they do. I need to see the Joe/Love relationship unfold on screen. I definitely recommend reading the books first but if you’re not into that idea, the TV show totally stands alone.

5. Origins – Sex and The City Special 

This is set of three episodes on Origins about Sex and The City. If you’re a fan of the show, it’s a wonderful look into how the show came to be, how SJP ended up as Carrie Bradshaw and how no one thought it was going to be the raging success it ended up being.

Even if you’re not a huge fan of the show it’s still an interesting listen about a rogue show that kind of went viral and was way before its time. They also have interviews with most of the cast (except Kim Cattrall and they explain why!) and it’s all very fascinating.

What things have you been watching/listening to/reading? Anything you think I’ll love?

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