Very Excellent Habits

5 Things You Need To Try Immediately

Girl on a bicycle in coniferous forest

I’m a sucker for a good recommendation. I very rarely do anything without someone telling me to do it. Not because I’m a doormat, because I’m busy. I don’t have time to try all the things and find the best one, I’d rather just have someone tell me which one is the best. I also love telling people about awesome things I’ve found, because it’s actually a huge amount of effort to find good shit. On that note, here are 5 things you need to try…


I’m a sucker for a fitness craze and I recently tried F45 and I love it. It’s 45 minutes of hardcore exercises and you never do the same workout twice, which means you never get bored. The only drawback is that it’s pretty expensive – I pay $45 for two classes per week but I look at it as a bonus. I’ve never skipped a class because I’m a tight-ass who doesn’t want to waste $22.50. If the class cost $8 (like classes at my old gym cost), I’d skip them all the time. I don’t mind investing in a program I enjoy and that gets me results because I’m too skint to skip a workout. Most studios have a 2 week free pass so sign up and give it a go – oh and let me know what you think.


I did an experiment last year where I tried seven different kinds of nail wraps because I wasn’t convinced that Jamberries were all they were cracked up to be. I meant to write about it but I got bored and decided not too. Anyway, the conclusion of the experiment is that Jamberries are really awesome but there are a few brands that are just as awesome but they don’t have the range that Jamberries have, so Jamberries win. I ordered four different kinds of Jamberries after the experiment and I’ve had nothing else on my nails since. They last a full week so I only need to re-do them each Sunday night and they don’t chip or peel. They’re also awesome for me because Mr Smaggle gets shocking headaches from nail polish fumes and there are no fumes at all with Jamberries. I really like them and will keep using them. By the way my Jam-lady is Trish and she’s awesome – she accepts direct deposits so you don’t have to pay US postage for every delivery.

Carrying a backpack 

If you use public transport or have to walk at all on your commute to and from work or school, you need a backpack. I resisted getting one for years because I didn’t want to walk around looking like a tourist but you know what? I don’t give a shit. My shoulders and back are in much better condition since I stopped lugging my laptop around in a shoulder bag. I can also carry my gear with me without breaking my back. Contrary to popular belief, you can get stylish backpacks. Just pop that bad boy on your back and strut around like you own the joint.

TV-free evenings 

Mr Smaggle and I are travelling around the US, the only television available to us is cable which is absolute rubbish. Most nights we turn the TV off and just read. It’s so pleasant we’re planning to do it when we get home. Pick a night each week and make it a TV free night. You can read, craft, play cards or actually talk to your family. How wonderful does that sound?

Carrying a thermos of tea 

I have a small thermos of tea that I carry with me and it’s always full of herbal tea. I have a cup at morning tea time, a cup with my lunch and sometimes I’ll sip the remainder of it on my walk home. I struggle to make cups of tea throughout the day because I get distracted easily so I’ll leave the tea bag in for too long or let it go cold before I drink it. With my thermos, it’s always ready to go. It’s an awesome way to stop myself from snacking too. If I’m feeling a bit peckish but I know I don’t need food, I have a cup of tea from my thermos.

What awesome new things have you been trying lately? Beauty routines? Productivity practices? Share!

P.S Also you should totally sign up for my newsletter. It’s full of cool stuff.
P.P.S Don’t forget Crochet Coach has a free trial offer period at the moment so make sure you sign up!

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