Very Excellent Habits

5 Style Don’ts…

I know it’s negative and but lets be honest here. Some people need to be told…

* Muffin top is never okay. The worst is a skin baring muffin top. Just get yourself a longer top and higher pants and get it the hell out of my sight because my interest in your breakfast is non-existent.

* If you are going to wear to tracksuit pants in public don’t accessorise. A perfectly made up face with massive dangly earrings and bracelets with your saggy poo-in-the-pants trackies is not a good look. And glitter doesn’t help either.

* Ugg boots. Just don’t.

* Too much of anything. Make-up, leg, cleavage… it’s all bad.

* Chipped nail polish. I know I am a big fat Virgo over here but it’s really tacky. It’s also lazy. Either remove it or re-do it. Whatever you do don’t chip at it with your teeth. Especially if the polish is red. I admit I indulged in a bit of chewing in a  particularly stagnant work meeting recently and left looking like I had an infectious gum disease.

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