Very Excellent Habits

5 Cheap And Easy Ways To Cheer Yourself Up


mproving your mood doesn’t have to cost you a cent. Here are 5 cheap and easy ways to cheer yourself up…

1. Be grateful 

If you’re feeling a bit glum because it seems like everyone else is getting promotions, book deals, perfect partners and effortless six packs it’s important to remember how incredibly privileged you are. Your feelings are valid but if you’ve got a roof over your head, some money in your wallet and food in your fridge you doing pretty bloody well. If your pants are bit tight, be grateful that you’re lucky enough to be well fed. If you missed out on that 6-figure promotion, be grateful that the opportunity is even available to you.

2. Focus on what you are doing 

Stop looking at what other people are doing and focus on yourself. If you’re applying for a job, don’t even think about what the other applicants are doing. Put all your focus into improving your own game.

3. Try not to dwell on things that aren’t important 

Don’t let a bad hair or skin day ruin your attitude. The longer you spend working on your ‘flaws’ the bigger an issue they will become. Take 30 seconds to pop your hair in a ponytail or dab some concealer on that pimple and get out the door. Spending 45 minutes in front of the mirror will only make it worse.

4. Stay away from Instagram 

It’s full of beautiful people, with beautiful thighs, living beautiful lives, holding pineapples and taking pretend bites of pretty cupcakes. Which is excellent when you’re feeling emotionally stable enough to deal with all that wavy-haired wonderment but if you’re looking to cheer yourself up, best stay away from there.

5. Spend time with positive people 

Think about your mates. Which of your friends do you always leave in a better mood than before you saw them? Hang out with that person. Often.

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Do you have any cheap and easy ways to cheer yourself up? What’s your favourite tip?


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P.P.S Yesterday Hair Romance and I SOLD OUT our 18th April Little Blog Big Sydney workshop and we had some people still wanting tickets. We’ve released a few more places but be quick, there’s only a few spots left. 

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