Very Excellent Habits

3 Weird Little Tricks To Help You Fall Asleep

I used to be the champion of all sleepers. When I was about 5 years old, my dad tried to wake me to watch our cat have kittens and I pretty much told him to stuff it. Not even the miracle of kitten birth could be better than my bed. For some stupid reason now that I’m grown up, I’m having trouble sleeping. Once I’m asleep, I’m fine. I could sleep for years but getting to sleep is proving to be quite the pain in the arse for me. I’ve tried a few different things over the years (researching tricks to fall asleep is a weird hobby of mine) but I’ve been trying these recently and they seem to help. Tip: try them on rotation. I think it’s better if you try to surprise your brain with something different each night. Here are 3 weird little tricks to help you fall asleep.

 1. Breathe only through your left nostril 

This is a technique I learned at my yoga retreat in Bali last year. You lie on your side and block your right nostril and breathe slowly and deeply only through your left nostril. My yoga guru said it’s great for regulating your body temperature so it’s great for women who are menstruating or men that are made of lava.

2. Have a cold shower before bed 

If you want to get to sleep, you need to drop your core body temperature. Have a super quick cold shower and jump into bed. You’ll doze off in no time – this is why it’s so much easier to sleep in winter!

3. Put some socks on 

Have you been camping or slept over at a friend’s house and been totally unable to sleep because your feet were cold? That’s an actual thing; if your feet are cold you will not be able to fall asleep. So hop up and get your tootsies all nice and warm and then you can easily doze off to sleep.

Do you have trouble sleeping? Or staying asleep? Any remedies you’d like to share?

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