Very Excellent Habits

3 Ways To Get Your Shit Together in April


t the beginning of each month, I like to have a look at the previous month and focus on areas where I was a bit shit. I was okay in March – I stuck to all of my challenges which was great and I hardly drank alcohol at all because I was so busy. However there was lots of travel which led to a little bit of lazy-ness in the food and exercise department. April is set to be a busy month so I’m concentrating on manageable health and fitness, while travelling and working on several different projects. Here are 3 ways to get your shit together in April… you in?

Take it easy over Easter 

I generally relax a bit on long weekends but I just got back from Bali (hello noodles and Bintang!) so I’m going to concentrate on making good choices over Easter which means being sensible wherever I can and staying on top of my exercise. Join me for going easy over Easter?

Exercise for 20 minutes every single day 

This is a repeat from February but part of self improvement is acknowledging when something works for you. #20minutesaday was brilliant for me. I lost weight, I felt great and it totally improved my mood everyday. I’m going to actually post my exercise every day on Instagram too. Join me for #20minutesaday in April?

Be grateful

I started a gratitude journal when I was in Bali last week on a recommendation from Hair Romance and I’m loving it. It’s a brilliant way to put my super privileged life into perspective, particularly if I feel like I’m having a bit of a bullshit day. I think it’s a lovely thing to do so every day I’ll be doing an #everydaygrateful post on Instagram in April. Join me?

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What are your focus areas for April? Anything you need to change to get your shit together this month?


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