Very Excellent Habits

3 Secret Weapons For Nailing That Job Interview


nterviews tend to cause people a lot of stress and that’s totally understandable, particularly if you’re applying for your dream job or even a job you just badly need. You will never really know exactly what an interviewer is looking for but there are a few things you can do in every interview to increase your chances of getting the job. Here are 3 secret weapons for nailing that job interview.


If you have a friend who is in HR, recruitment or anyone who fires and hires people, invite them over for dinner and get them to pretend interview you. One of the reasons why interviews are so scary is because no one really does them that often. Think about it. If you’re in a job for five years and you apply for another one that’s five whole years that you haven’t been practicing. Get some practice in. It makes the world of difference.


Never go to an interview without researching the interviewer. Google them and find out about other projects they’ve worked on, their career highlights and how long they’ve been with the company. If you can make the interviewer feel good or proud during your interview, you will stick in their mind as someone they liked. Even if they didn’t particularly like you, the warm glow of flattery lasts a long time.


People can easily remember the first and last parts of events but they rarely remember the middle. If you’re the first or last interviewee you’ll stick in their mind. Try not to be the person in the middle. No one remembers the interview that happened right before lunch.

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Are you good at interviewing? Have you ever totally nailed a job interview?


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