Very Excellent Habits

3 Manageable Ways To Get Your Shit Together In March


ast month I set myself some hefty goals and participated in 5 different challenges. You can read about them here. At the end of the month I’m 2kg lighter, a shit load more toned, I feel bloody brilliant and my house is spotless. I’m on a giant self improvement high (Type A personality much?) so I decided to create 3 new challenges for March. They aren’t as intense as February’s challenges but because they’re so managable you should all be able to join in! These are the challenges I’m doing this month if you want to play along – let’s do this. Here are 3 manageable ways to get your shit together in March.

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#futuremesaysthanks  Every day in March, I’m going to do something that Future Me will thank me for. It might be laying out my gym clothes before I go to bed, unpacking the dishwasher in the morning or making a big veggie bake for lunches on a Sunday. It will be a great way to motivate me to stay on top of things and keep my #minsgame house tidy! Want to join? Simply upload a photo of something future you will thank you for every day in March to Instagram or Facebook with the hashtag #futuremesaysthanks.

#9pmscreenfreemarch  I went to Bali last year for a yoga retreat (it was amazing thanks for asking!) and my guru suggested going screen free at 9pm every evening to get a good nights sleep. I did this for a few months and slowly it got later and later and I naughtily slipped back into my old habits again. My new rule is that my phone goes on do not disturb mode at 9pm, the computer gets turned off and I’m not allowed to touch either until the next morning. I can’t be as strict about the TV because I live in a one bedroom apartment with my partner but I’m going to aim to be in bed and reading by 10pm every night. Want to join? Simply post a sign off at 9pm on Instagram or Facebook at 9pm each night in March with the hashtag #9pmscreenfreemarch.

#brightplatemarch  I generally try to eat salad every day but sometimes the best I can manage is some tomato and basil on protein toast. My rule for March is that I have to eat something bright every single day. It could be a salad, an apple, a green smoothie but it has be bright and vibrant. Want to join? Simply post a picture of your bright meal or snack and use the hashtag #brightplatemarch.

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Are you doing any challenges this month? What self improvements would you like to make this March?


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P.S  – Here are more places you can get Smaggled – FacebookTwitterBloglovinInstagramYouTube and the Smaggle weekly newsletter. Being Smaggled is a good thing by the way… a ‘smaggle’ is a cross between a smash and snuggle so it’s like getting a really epic hug with lots of nuzzling and squeezing.

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