Very Excellent Habits

2011 – What will you do to make this year beautiful?

Image by Dawn Tan and on sale in her sweet Etsy store.

I love new years resolutions. I truly believe that there is nothing more admirable than the pursuit of self improvement and January is the best time of year to kick start the new you.

In reference to those general stock standard resolutions that everyone seems to make annually, I have to admit that I’m quite the over achiever. Fitness and diet were mastered circa 2002, I’ve been debt free since birth and I’m quite a selfish little poppet so I have never had any problems taking time for myself to learn new things and pursue my interests. So yes, basically I’m perfect but my point is this year, I want my resolutions to be small. Nit picky. Tiny things. I’m such a big picture kind of gal that sometimes I miss the details. This year I’m wrapping a big bow around my life starting with…

Making every gift meaningful

I’m sick of handing over perfunctory little thought-that-counts gifts to my nearest and dearest simply because it’s their birthday and the magical gift buying lepracaun didn’t grace me with his presence on that particular day. This year when I see a perfect gift, I’ll buy it on the spot and mail it to them immediately. It’ll be like Christmas all year round!

Giving more

I’m going to teach jewellery making to people who have to spend long periods of time in hospital. I’m also going to commit to more regular blood giving.

Cooking more

Dinner for me is usually a hurried affair of porridge or frozen fish and vegetables. This year I’m going to cook beautiful meals and enjoy them.

Making more

As they say, a true lady never sits idle. I’m going to spend as little time as possible on the computer and spend more time creating.

Taking a cliche beach holiday with a pool and cocktails.

I’m EXTREMELY bad at relaxing and until recently the thought of laying on a beach for a week doing nothing made me a little twitchy. Right now, I can’t think of anything better.

What about you? What little extra bits and pieces will you add to your year? What will be the frosting on YOUR 2011 cake?



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